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Displaying 4051 - 4100 of 4312

Case Studies of Six State Personal Assistance Service Programs Funded by the Medicaid Personal Care Option

Jae Kennedy, M.A., and Simi Litvak, Ph.D. World Institute on Disability, Research and Training Center on Public Policy in Independent Living

Designing Program Workshops for Teenage Parents: Lessons from the Teenage Parent Demonstration

Submitted to: U.S. Department of Health and Human ServicesAssistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) Rm. 404E, HHH Bldg. 200 Independence Ave., SW

Case Management for Teenage Parents: Lessons from the Teenage Parent Demonstration

Submitted to: U.S. Department of Health and Human ServicesAssistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) Rm. 404E, HHH Bldg. 200 Independence Ave., SW

Family Research Meeting: Summary

On August 8, 1991, the Division of Family and Community Policy within ASPE convened a meeting of family-related researchers to discuss the following questions: Why has so little family research impacted policy? What can be done to improve the situation? What issues are important to future research?

Community-Relevant Policy Research Meeting: Summary

On August 8, 1991, the Division of Family and Community Policy within ASPE convened a meeting of family-related researchers to discuss the following questions: Why has so little family research impacted policy? What can be done to improve the situation? What issues are important to future research?

Family Research Meeting: Summary

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Family Research August 8, 1991 Meeting Summary HHS/ASPE Division of Family and Community Policy November 13, 1991 PDF Version

Community-Relevant Policy Research Meeting: Summary

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Community-Relevant Policy Research August 8, 1991 Meeting Summary HHS/ASPE Division of Family and Community Policy November 13, 1991 PDF Version

Research and Grants on Issues Relating to Children and Youth: 1986-1991

This compendium is published by the Division of Children and Youth Policy within the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. It summarizes the results of the Division's research projects from 1986 through the present.

Home and Community-Based Care in the USA

This paper focuses on the elderly, aged 65 and over, who are the primary users of long-term care in the United States. It examines their use of long-term care services, particularly home and community-based care. It describes the kinds of data available on the functionally impaired elderly and their use of such care. [20 PDF pages]

Home and Community-Based Care in the USA

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Home and Commuity-Based Care in the USA Robert F. Clark, D.P.A. Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services October 1991 PDF Version

Infant Attachment: What We Know Now

In February 1991, ASPE sponsored a two-day research seminar on infant attachment. This final report has three major sections. The first part is a brief summary of an extensive literature review on infant attachment. The second section summarizes the proceedings of the seminar, which was based on the topics outlined in the literature review.

Infant Attachment: What We Know Now

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Infant Attachment: What We Know Now Virginia L. Colin Nancy Low & Associates, Inc. June 28, 1991 PDF Version

The Federal Role in Consumer Protection and Regulation of Long-Term Care Insurance

This paper reviews the current status of consumer protection issues associated with private long-term care insurance. It examines possible roles that the Federal Government might play in this area. The views of a panel of experts drawn from government, industry, academia, and consumer organizations are reported.

Catastrophic Acute and Long-Term Care Costs: Risks Faced by Disabled Elderly Persons

The repeal of many provisions of the 1988 Medicare Catastrophic Coverage Act was due to subjective impressions about the usefulness to many elderly persons of the services covered by the law and to the omission of long-term care services.

The Future of SIPP for Analyzing Disability and Health

This paper was requested as part of the National Academy of Sciences, Committee on National Statistics Panel to Evaluate the Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP). SIPP is sponsored by the Bureau of the Census and has been an ongoing longitudinal survey of the civilian non-institutionalized population since 1983.

Estimating the Prevalence of Long-Term Disability for an Aging Society

This study was designed to provide comprehensive information about future long-term care needs in the U.S. Using data from the U.S. Decennial Census of Population and Housing, National Long-Term Care Survey and National Nursing Home Survey, the study developed detailed projections of the need for long-term care among the elderly in the years 2000, 2020 and 2040.

Estimating the Prevalence of Long-Term Disability for an Aging Society

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Estimating the Prevalence of Long-Term Disability for an Aging Society

National Long-Term Care Channeling Demonstration: Summary of Demonstration and Reports

This paper presents an overview of the results of the National Long-Term Care Channeling Demonstration, conducted in ten states to test the impact of a community-based system of long-term care upon the functionally disabled elderly.

Welfare Mothers as Potential Employees: A Statistics Profile Based on National Survey Data

When women who receive welfare benefits are compared with other women, both poor and non-poor, in the NLSY and other national sample surveys, welfare mothers are notably different from non-poor mothers. At the same time, these data show that there is considerable diversity within the welfare population.

Prevalence and Correlates of Unmet Need Among the Elderly with ADL Disabilities

This report examines how many disabled elderly are at risk because they do not receive the assistance they need in basic self-maintenance activities. The source of data was the 1982 and 1984 National Long-Term Care Surveys.

Long-Term Care for the Boomers: A Public Policy Challenge for the Twenty-first Century

Although the current difficulties in developing an adequate system of long-term care are extensive, they pale in comparison to the challenges ahead as the "baby boomers" come of age.

Prevalence and Correlates of Unmet Need Among the Elderly with ADL Disabilities

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Prevalence and Correlates of Unmet Need Among the Elderly with ADL Disabilities Mary E. Jackson SysteMetrics/McGraw-Hill February 1991 PDF Version

Programmatic Definitions of Disability: Policy Implications

This paper looks at programmatic definitions of disability for federal disability programs by: (1) reviewing and examining major programmatic definitions of disability, and (2) describing complex eligibility processes by using the Social Security Disability Insurance program as an example.

Physical and Cognitive Impairment: Do They Require Different Kinds of Help?

Physical impairments are commonly believed to require relatively more active hands-on assistance with the activities of daily living (ADLs) while cognitive impairments use relatively more supervisory or standby assistance.

Programmatic Definitions of Disability: Policy Implications

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and EvaluationU.S. Department of Health and Human Services 1991 PDF Version: (26 PDF pages)

Foster Care Summary: 1991

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Foster Care Summary: 1991 Karl Ensign Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation 1991 PDF Version

Physical and Cognitive Impairment: Do They Require Different Kinds of Help?

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Physical and Cognitive Impairment: Do They Require Different Kinds of Help? Robert F. Clark 1991 PDF Version

Prospective Outcomes of Informal and Formal Home Care: Mortality and Institutionalization

Burton D. Dunlop, Ph.D., and James A. Wells, Ph.D. Project HOPE, Center for Health Affairs  

Summary and Policy Implications: Analyses of Medicaid Financing for Disabled and High Cost Children

The Congress, HHS, and other federal agencies have expressed considerable interest in the adequacy of current programs and policies affecting severely disabled children, particularly those who are technology dependent and whose health and medical care place catastrophic financing and caregiving burdens on their families.

Publicly-Financed Home Care for the Disabled Elderly: Who Would Be Eligible?

The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the variability in estimates of disability in the U.S. elderly population as a function of differing definitions of physical disability and cognitive impairment.

Premium Pricing of Prototype Private Long-Term Care Insurance Policies: Final Report

This project generated estimates of benefits, costs and premiums for prototype long-term care insurance policies to provide the federal, state and local government and private insurance companies with an independent means of estimating the potential for long-term care insurance coverage. The modeling techniques to be used in this study have been tested in other analyses. [76 PDF pages]

Publicly-Financed Home Care for the Disabled Elderly: Who Would Be Eligible?

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Publicly-Financed Home Care for the Disabled Elderly: Who Would Be Eligible? Mary E. Jackson, Ph.D., and Brian O. Burwell SysteMetrics/McGraw-Hill December 1990 PDF Version

Summary and Policy Implications: Analyses of Medicaid Financing for Disabled and High Cost Children

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Summary and Policy Implications: Analyses of Medicaid Financing for Disabled and High Cost Children Marilyn Rymer Ellwood and Leighton Ku SysteMetrics December 1990 PDF Version

Premium Pricing of Prototype Private Long-Term Care Insurance Policies: Final Report

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Premium Pricing of Prototype Private Long-Term Care Insurance Policies Joshua M. Wiener, Katherine M. Harris and Raymond J. Hanley The Brookings Institution December 1990 PDF Version

Variations in the Medicaid Safety Net for Children and Youth with High Medical Costs: A Comparison of Four States

This report analyzes the Medicaid experience of children and young adults with total annual Medicaid claims of $25,000 or more in California, Georgia, Michigan and Tennessee in order to better understand service utilization patterns and how they vary by age and other characteristics.

Longitudinal Analysis of High Cost Medicaid Children in California

This report analyzed the Medicaid experience of children in California who had at least $25,000 in claims in 1983. The study analyzed their enrollment in claims experience over the period 1980-1986 in order to determine whether these children remain high cost over a number of years, and whether their eligibility changes over time. [35 PDF pages]

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