The Early Childhood Systems Collective Impact Project (ECS Collective Impact Project) will help to re-envision a truly coordinated approach to program implementation designed to advance equitable early childhood and family well-being outcomes across federal programs that support expectant parents, children ages 0 to 8, and their families.
Early Childhood Development
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Early Childhood Systems Collective Impact Project: Catalog and Crosswalk
The Early Childhood Systems Collective Impact Project (ECS Collective Impact Project) will help to re-envision a truly coordinated approach to program implementation designed to advance equitable early childhood and family well-being outcomes across federal programs that support expectant parents, children ages 0 to 8, and their families.
Research Brief
Early Childhood Systems Collective Impact Project: A Call for Coordinated Early Childhood Systems
The Early Childhood Systems Collective Impact Project (ECS Collective Impact Project) will help to re-envision a truly coordinated approach to program implementation designed to advance equitable early childhood and family well-being outcomes across federal programs that support expectant parents, children ages 0 to 8, and their families.
Fact Sheet
Factsheet: Estimates of Child Care Eligibility & Receipt for Fiscal Year 2019
This factsheet provides descriptive information on child care eligibility and receipt. Of the 12.5 million children potentially eligible for child care subsidies under federal rules, 16 percent received subsidies. Of the 8.7 million children eligible for child care subsidies under more restrictive state rules, 23 percent received subsidies.
ASPE Issue Brief, Guide
Advancing Equity for Fathers in Human Services Programs
This practice guide is a resource for a broad range of human services programs aiming to be more inclusive of and responsive to fathers. Building on literature from the field and interviews with human services providers that engage fathers in services, this guide outlines strategies for advancing equity in human services programs:
Research Summary
Early Childhood Systems Collective Impact Project: Overview
The Early Childhood Systems Collective Impact Project (ECS Collective Impact Project) will help to re-envision a truly coordinated approach to program implementation designed to advance equitable early childhood and family well-being outcomes across federal programs that support expectant parents, children ages 0 to 8, and their families.
Integrating SUD and OB/GYN Care: Policy Challenges and Opportunities Final Report
This report aims to address the treatment care models for pregnant and postpartum women with SUD by describing opportunities to integrate OB/GYN and SUD care as well as barriers to integrated care delivery.Related Products:
ASPE Issue Brief
Integrating OB/GYN and SUD Care Policy Challenges and Opportunities Issue Brief
This brief highlights specific policy challenges and opportunities for policymakers to expand access to integrated services for pregnant and postpartum women with SUD.Related Products:
ASPE Issue Brief
Child and Caregiver Outcomes Using Linked Data: Project Overview
The Child and Caregiver Outcomes Using Linked Data project provides technical assistance to states to develop state-specific datasets linking the Medicaid administrative claims of parents with the records of their children from the child welfare system. The data will be combined into a multi-state, de-identified data sets for secondary data analysis.
ASPE Issue Brief
Child and Adolescent Mental Health During COVID-19: Considerations for Schools and Early Childhood Providers
COVID-19 pandemic’s social restrictions have prompted a surge in the mental health needs of children of all ages. Nationwide 4.3 million children/adolescents have been diagnosed with COVID-19 as of August 2021, and many of them have returned to early childhood and school settings. Schools and early childhood programs have long been essential settings for delivery of mental health services.