Shifting spending and delivery of long-term services and supports (LTSS) from institutions to the home and community is often referred to as rebalancing. This report and brief describe variation in LTSS rebalancing between 2016 and 2019 by enrollee age, health condition, and demographic factors.
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Advanced SearchASPE Issue Brief, Report
Long-Term Services and Supports Reform
While the likelihood of needing any long-term services and supports (LTSS) is roughly a coin flip, the cost if one needs assistance for a long period of time can be catastrophic. For example, about one-in-five Americans turning age 65 today will have long-term care costs exceeding $200,000.
Definitions and Occupational Characteristics of Direct Support Professionals
This study explores duties and activities that distinguish the DSP occupation from other direct care workforce occupations to inform the consideration of a DSP SOC code and other workforce data collection efforts. This study also identifies information beyond what is needed to create a DSP SOC code that states need on the DSP workforce to address policy and workforce planning activities.
Report to Congress
Children's Interagency Coordinating Council (CICC) FY 2024 Report to Congress
Congress has directed HHS to operate the Children’s Interagency Coordinating Council (CICC). The CICC is charged with fostering greater coordination and transparency on child policy across federal agencies and examining a broad array of cross-cutting issues affecting child poverty and child well-being.
Barriers to Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Diagnosis in Adults
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) diagnosis and treatment among adults in the United States have increased over the past few decades. However, there are sex, racial, and ethnic disparities in diagnosis and treatment, and underdiagnosis persists.
ASPE Issue Brief
Operationalizing the Definition of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities in Administrative Claims Data for Research
The existence of multiple operational definitions for intellectual and developmental disabilities (ID/DD) in analyzing administrative claims data for health services and public health research limits translation of study findings to inform policies, programs, and practice.
ASPE Issue Brief
Innovative 988 Crisis Service Systems for Children, Youth, and People with Disabilities
In 2020, Congress designated the new 988 dialing code to be operated through the existing National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. The 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline was established to improve access to immediate support to meet the behavioral health crisis needs in the United States.
ASPE Issue Brief
Use of Supported Employment in the Medicaid and CHIP Working-Age Population (2019) Issue Brief
State Medicaid programs have the option to cover supported employment services, but use of these services by the Medicaid population has not been widely studied.
Feasibility of Obtaining Identifiers for Self-Directing Home and Community-Based Services Users in Medicaid Claims
This report outlines a feasibility study focused on obtaining identifiers for self-directed Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) users within Medicaid claims data. Financial Management Services (FMS) entities assist individuals in managing the financial aspects of self-directed care, including payroll and billing.
Medicare Advantage Coverage Among Individuals Receiving Federal Housing Assistance
Prior research from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) and U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Office of Policy Development and Research (PD&R) show older adults receiving federal housing assistance face disproportionately high rates of chronic conditions and health care utilization.