COVID-19 pandemic’s social restrictions have prompted a surge in the mental health needs of children of all ages. Nationwide 4.3 million children/adolescents have been diagnosed with COVID-19 as of August 2021, and many of them have returned to early childhood and school settings. Schools and early childhood programs have long been essential settings for delivery of mental health services.
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Advanced SearchASPE Issue Brief
Child and Adolescent Mental Health During COVID-19: Considerations for Schools and Early Childhood Providers
ASPE Issue Brief
Health Insurance Coverage Among Working-Age Adults with Disabilities: 2010-2018
For working-age adults with disabilities, consistent access to health insurance may be critical to continuity of care and good health outcomes. We tracked changes in health insurance coverage for this population from 2010-2018.
ASPE Issue Brief
Most Older Adults Are Likely to Need and Use Long-Term Services and Supports Issue Brief
Most Older Adults Are Likely to Need and Use Long-Term Services and Supports ASPE ISSUE BRIEF Richard W. Johnson and Melissa M. Favreault Urban Institute Judith Dey, William Marton, and Lauren Anderson
Economic Hardship and Medicaid Enrollment in Later Life: Assessing the Impact of Disability, Health, and Marital Status Shocks
Richard W. Johnson and Melissa M. FavreaultUrban InstituteJanuary 2021Link to Printer Friendly Version in PDF Format (50 PDF pages)
IV-E Prevention Toolkit: Identifying and Engaging Partners
This toolkit aims to help states develop a plan for Title IV-E prevention services, and to assist states in planning a comprehensive array of services to help prevent the need for foster care placement (“prevention services”) by braiding Title IV-E prevention services reimbursement with Medicaid and other funding mechanisms.
How Many Older Adults Can Afford To Purchase Home Care?
To estimate home much paid home could possibly be purchased out of income and wealth, we estimated the share of older adults with sufficient monthly income to cover median home care costs as well as other living expenses. Our results show that many older adults with severe LTSS needs could not afford 2 years of paid home care without financial assistance.
Later-Life Household Wealth Before and After Disability Onset
To assess the financial impact on families of LTSS needs and the potential for families to set aside funds to cover future LTSS spending, this brief examines later-life household wealth before and after disability onset.
Survey for Caregivers Supporting a Person with a Disability Outside of the Disability Support Service System
Abt AssociatesPrinter Friendly Version in PDF Format (32 PDF pages)
NAPA Public Comment Attachment: Draft Chapter on Intellectual and Developmental Disability
This PDF was submitted as an attachment to a Public Comment sent to the Advisory Council on Alzheimer's Research, Care, and Services and/or the National Alzheimer's Project Act website.
Regulatory Review of Adult Day Services: Final Report, 2014 Edition - Executive Summary
Janet O'Keeffe, Dr.PH, RN, Christine O'Keeffe, BA, and Madhu Shrestha, BS RTI International Abstract Adult day services (ADS)--a non-residential service provides outside an individual's home for less than a full day--prov