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Displaying 3901 - 3950 of 4312

National Study of Assisted Living for the Frail Elderly: Literature Review Update

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services National Study of Assisted Living for the Frail Elderly: Literature Review Update Lewin-VHI, Inc. February 1996 PDF Version: (98 PDF pages)

A Description of Board and Care Facilities, Operators, and Residents

This is the second in a series of four reports that summarize study findings and methods. This report presents descriptive findings on the characteristics of board and care facilities, operators, staff, and residents. Section 2 briefly describes the study design and sampling and analytic methodology; more detailed discussion is presented in the Technical Report Study Methods.

A Description of Board and Care Facilities, Operators, and Residents

Catherine Hawes, Judith Wildfire, Vincent Mor, Victoria Wilcox, Diana Spore, Vince Iannacchione, Linda Lux, Rebecca Green, Angela Greene and Charles D. Phillips Research Triangle Institute and Brown University

Subacute Care: Policy Synthesis and Market Area Analysis

Prepared by Lewin-VHI, Inc. This study was prepared for the Department of Health and Human Services , Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation. November 1, 1995 Executive Summary

Subacute Care: Policy Synthesis and Market Area Analysis

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Subacute Care: Policy Synthesis and Market Area Analysis Proponents of subacute care claim that subacute care is a cost-effective alternative to acute care services, that is, it can be provided in lower cost settings with no diminution of quality.

Directive 95/ /EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of the European Union

European Union Restreint ECO 291 CODEC 92 Common Position (EC) No /95 Adopted by the Council on 20 February 1995 With a View to Adopting Directive 94/ /EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Protection of Individuals With Regard to the Processing of Personal Data And on the Free Movement of Such Data

Adolescent Time Use, Risky Behavior and Outcomes: An Analysis of National Data

Adolescent Time Use, Risky Behavior and Outcomes: An Analysis of National Data Nicholas Zill, Christine Winquist Nord, and Laura Spencer Loomis Westat, Inc. September 11, 1995   For the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Overview of Long-Term Care in Five Nations: Australia, Canada, the Netherlands, Norways, and the United States

After discusion about the possible approaches for conducting the international analysis, the International Collaborative Effort on Age research team concluded that the initial step in analysis should be to establish the 'context' of the research on outcomes of nursing home care.

Overview of Long-Term Care in Five Nations: Australia, Canada, the Netherlands, Norways, and the United States

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Overview of Long-Term Care in Five Nations: Australia, Canada, the Netherlands, Norway, and the United States RESEARCH FROM THE INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATIVE EFFORT ON AGING

Sources of Support for Young Latina Mothers

SOURCES OF SUPPORT FOR YOUNG LATINA MOTHERS Joan R. Kahn and Rosalind E. Berkowitz The Urban Institute August 16, 1995

Eldercare: The Impact of Family Caregivers' Employment on Formal and Informal Helper Hours

The 1989 National Long Term Care Survey is the first nationally representative survey to collect data on weekly hours of assistance received by ADL and/or IADL disabled elders living in the community by individual caregivers, both formal and informal.

RESEARCH AGENDA: Disability Data

The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation sponsored an expert meeting to advise DALTCP on policy issues and available data related to several populations of persons with disabilities: working age adults, children, persons age 65 and older, and special populations (e.g., persons with developmental disabilities, persons with mental illness).

Eldercare: The Impact of Family Caregivers' Employment on Formal and Informal Helper Hours

ASPE Research Notes INFORMATION FOR DECISION MAKERS FOCUS ON: Long-Term Care Insurance Issued August 1995 Eldercare: The Impact of Family Caregivers' Employment on Formal and Informal Helper Hours

RESEARCH AGENDA: Disability Data

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Making a Powerful Connection: the Health of the Public and the National Information Infrastructure

Report of the U.S. Public Health Service Public Health Data Policy Coordinating Committee Prepared by: Roz D. Lasker, M.D. Deputy Assistant Secretary for Health (Policy Development) Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health

Use of the 1989 National Long-Term Care Survey for Examining Cognitive Impairment Eligibility Criteria

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Use of the 1989 National Long-Term Care Survey for Examining Cognitive Impairment Eligibility Criteria

Beginning Too Soon: Adolescent Sexual Behavior, Pregnancy and Parenthood. A Review of Research and Interventions.

by: Kristin A. Moore, Brent C. Miller, Barbara W. Sugland, Donna Ruane Morrison, Dana A. Glei, Connie Blumenthal,

Review of Family Preservation and Family Reunification Programs

A REVIEW OF FAMILY PRESERVATION AND FAMILY REUNIFICATION PROGRAMS By Westat, Inc. in association with James Bell Associates, Inc., and The Chapin Hall Center for Children at the University of Chicago May 30, 1995 For the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Persons with Severe Mental Illness: How Do They Fit Into Long-Term Care?

This report examines the issues involved in seeking to address the long-term care service needs of persons with severe mental illness (SMI) in a generic long-term care financing and service delivery system, as was proposed in the home and community-based services provisions of the Health Security Act.

Guide to Assisted Living and State Policy - Executive Summary

Robert L. Mollica, KerenBrown Wilson, Barbara S. Ryther and Heather Johnson Lamarche LTC Resource Center University of Minnesota

Trends in AFDC and Food Stamp Benefits: 1972-1994

From 1972 to 1994, Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) benefits declined in constant dollars almost without interruption from $8,735 for a mother and two children with no earnings to $4,738. Since food stamps are indexed for inflation, AFDC benefits became a significantly smaller share of the combined total of benefits.

A Synthesis of Research on Family Preservation and Family Reunification Programs

by Julia H. Littell and John R. Schuerman Westat, Inc., in association with James Bell Associates, and the Chapin Hall Center for Children at the University of Chicago. A part of the National Evaluation of Family Preservation Servcies For the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation Department of Health and Human Services

Trends in AFDC and Food Stamp Benefits: 1972-1994

ASPE Research Notes INFORMATION FOR DECISION MAKERS FOCUS ON: Family Issues Issued May 1995 Trends in AFDC and Food Stamp Benefits: 1972-1994 PDF Version:

Child Care Prices: A Profile of Six Communities

Child Care Prices: A Profile of Six Communities Sandra J. Clark and Sharon K Long The Urban Institute April 1995

Options for Full-Day Services for Children Participating in Head Start

Child Welfare
By Lorelei Brush, Ph.D.,Sharon Deich, Kerry Traylor,and Nancy Pindus Pelavin Research Institute and The Urban Institute For the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation Department of Health and Human Services

March 1993 Current Population Survey Re-Benchmarked on 1990 Census

The statistical procedure of "re-benchmarking" the March 1993 Current Population Survey on the 1990 Census instead of the 1980 Census of the Population resulted in increased estimates of the number of both insured and uninsured persons. The total population increased by 2.6 million (about 1%).

March 1993 Current Population Survey Re-Benchmarked on 1990 Census

  ASPE Research Notes INFORMATION FOR DECISION MAKERS FOCUS ON: Insurance Issued March 1995 March 1993 Current Population Survey Re-Benchmarked on 1990

Population Estimates of Disability and Long-Term Care

A large minority of Americans (42.7 million or 17.2%) have disabilities, 12.7 million of whom need long-term care. About 29.7% of all people with disabilities and 5% of the entire population need long-term care.

Performance Improvement 1995

Foreword Continuous improvement in government is a central theme of the Clinton Administration. As we move toward a balanced Federal budget, funds available for all Departments will be increasingly constrained. All programs must become more efficient and must demonstrate their effectiveness in improving the lives of all Americans.

Population Estimates of Disability and Long-Term Care

ASPE Research Notes INFORMATION FOR DECISION MAKERS FOCUS ON: Disability/Long-Term Care Issued February 1995 Population Estimates of Disability and Long-Term Care PDF Version:

Assisted Living Policy and Regulation: State Survey

In 1992, the National Academy for State Health Policy published ABuilding Assisted Living For The Elderly Into Public Policy: A Guide For States@ to help state policy makers examine an emerging concept for providing residential, home like settings for elders.

Conditions and Impairments Among the Working Age Population with Disabilities

Most adults with disabilities are in their working (not their elderly) years. According to the 1990 Survey of Income and Program Participation, among the civilian non-institutionalized population, 20,266,000 adults in their working years (18-64) and 15,413,000 elderly persons (65+) reported a disability.

Disability Among Children

According to the 1990 Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) and data from institutions, 4,536,000 children under 18 were reported as having a disability, with 4,444,500 living in the community and 91,800 residing in institutions.


The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation sponsored an expert meeting on research related to managed care and people with disabilities. This day long meeting was the second of an ongoing series of expert meetings on disability topic areas that DALTCP is considering for inclusion in its research agenda.

Conditions and Impairments Among the Working Age Population with Disabilities

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Conditions and Impairments Among the Working-Age Population with Disabilities Michele Adler 1995 PDF Version (22 PDF pages)

Disability Among Children

  ASPE Research Notes INFORMATION FOR DECISION MAKERS FOCUS ON: Disability Issued January 1995 Disability Among Children PDF Version:


U.S. Department of Health and Human Services RESEARCH AGENDA: Managed Care Andreas Frank U.S. Department of Health and Human Services January 1995 PDF Version (37 PDF pages)

The Medicaid Personal Care Services Option Part II: Consumer-Directed Models of Care

This "ASPE Research Notes" article is a follow up to the earlier article The Medicaid Personal Care Option Part I: Cross State Variations and Trends Over Time that provided a descriptive overview of Medicaid personal care services programs.

An Examination of Issues Related to How HCBS Programs Operate Within Fixed Budgets and to the Administrative Linkages Between Eligibility Determination, Needs Assessment and Care Planning Functions

This paper reports the findings of an exploratory study to document and analyze selected best practices related to state-administered home and community-based services (HCBS) programs.

The Medicaid Personal Care Services Option Part II: Consumer-Directed Models of Care

ASPE Research Notes INFORMATION FOR DECISION MAKERS FOCUS ON: Long-Term Care Issued December 1994 The Medicaid Personal Care Services Option Part II: Consumer-Directed Models of Care PDF

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