The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) analyzes the benefits, costs, and other impacts of significant proposed and final rulemakings, consistent with the requirements of several executive orders and statutes. HHS develops these analyses according to technical guidance published by the U.S.
Evaluation Methods
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Advanced SearchASPE Issue Brief, Report
An Evaluation Framework for the Inflation Reduction Act’s Medicare Prescription Drug Related Provisions
The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) changes the way Medicare pays for prescription drugs. These changes will impact various stakeholders, including Medicare, Medicare enrollees, drug manufacturers, and others.
A Framework for Evaluating the Impact of the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation
This ASPE issue brief lays out a proposed comprehensive analytic framework to fully evaluate the impact of the CMS Innovation Center’s efforts on the Medicare program and the broader health care system as a whole to test innovative payment and service delivery models that reduce program expenditures while preserving or enhancing the quality of care.
Developing and Piloting a Federal Evaluation Approach for Complex Cross-Agency Initiatives: The Overdose Prevention Test Case
The final summary report on “Developing and Piloting a Federal Evaluation Approach for Complex Cross-Agency Initiatives: The Overdose Prevention Test Case” lays out the findings of HHS effort to test a cross-departmental methodology.
Feasibility of Calculating Measures to Monitor Quality Performance of Behavioral Health Programs
The calculation of behavioral health quality measures at the clinic level holds great promise for monitoring clinic performance over time, and for providing information for clinics to use to revise their processes and procedures to improve their performance.
Understanding Substance Use Disorder Treatment Needs Using Assessment Data: Final Report
UNDERSTANDING SUBSTANCE USE DISORDER (SUD) TREATMENT NEEDS USING ASSESSMENT DATA: FINAL REPORT John Richardson, PhD, Alex Cowell, PhD, Eric Villeneuve, MPH, Jesse Hinde, PhD, Kristine Rae Olmstead, MSPH, and Sarita Karon, PhD RTI International February 2020
Needs Assessment Methodologies in Determining Treatment Capacity for Substance Use Disorders: Final Report
This project evaluated needs assessment methodologies for substance use disorder (SUD) treatment capacity, highlighting best practices and identifying gaps and opportunities for improvement.
Environmental Scan
Needs Assessment Methodologies in Determining Treatment Capacity for Substance Use Disorders: Environmental Scan Final Report
This project evaluated needs assessment methodologies for substance use disorder treatment capacity, highlighting best practices and identifying gaps and opportunities for improvement.
Substance Use, the Opioid Epidemic and the Child Welfare Caseloads: Methodological Details from a Mixed Methods Study
This brief describes the research methods used to produce the findings in Substance Use, the Opioid Epidemic, and Child Welfare Caseloads: A Mixed Methods Study. It is a part of a series of briefs that discuss different aspects and issues surrounding the relationship between substance use disorders and the child welfare system.
Predictive Analytics in Child Welfare: Considerations in Contracting Vendors for Predictive Analytics
An increasing number of child welfare agencies are considering using predictive analytics in their work. Typically they do so by contracting with a vendor to develop and maintain a predictive analytics model that is used by the agency to predict risk of a specified outcome.