This paper which is one of a series of Appendices included in the demonstration's final report describes Florida's Nursing Home Transition Grant Project, is one of a series of nine case studies presenting results from the Demonstration. The case studies provide useful information as states consider nursing home transition efforts or implement nursing home transition programs.
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Fast Track and Other Nursing Home Diversion Initiatives: Colorado's Nursing Home Transition Grant
Nursing Homes & Facilities
This paper, which is one of a series of Appendices included in the demonstration's final report, describes Colorado's nursing home program. Unlike other Nursing Home Transition Demonstration Grants, Colorado's grant focused on preventing nursing home admissions, rather than assisting people who want to move into the community.
Using Medicaid to Cover Services for Elderly Persons in Residential Care Settings: State Policy Maker and Stakeholder Views in Six States
To date, there has been little research on how states use Medicaid to pay for services for elderly persons in residential care settings. This report is intended to fill that gap, by describing in depth how six states use their Medicaid programs to fund residential care services for elderly persons. These states are Florida, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oregon, Texas, and Wisconsin.
Update of ASPE Activities Related to Community-Integration Executive Order for People with Disabilities
President Bush signed Executive Order 13217 on June 18, 2001, "to place qualified individuals with disabilities in community settings whenever as to ensure that all Americans have the opportunity to live close to their families and friends, to live more independently, to engage in productive employment, and to participate in community life." This paper provides an overview of c
Using Medicaid to Cover Services for Elderly Persons in Residential Care Settings: State Policy Maker and Stakeholder Views in Six States
Janet O'Keeffe, Dr.P.H., R.N., Christine O'Keeffe, B.A., and Shulamit Bernard, Ph.D. RTI International
State-Funded Pre-Kindergarten: What the Evidence Shows
I. IntroductionWhether or not children will be successful students depends greatly on the quality of their experiences in early childhood. Research has demonstrated the value of providing comprehensive interventions for developing the knowledge and skills that prepare children for kindergarten and for closing the school achievement gap for economically disadvantaged students.
Project CHOICE (Consumers Have Options for Independence in Community Environments): Texas' Nursing Home Transition Program
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Passages: Arkansas's Nursing Home Transition Program
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Passages: Arkansas's Nursing Home Transition Program Michael Schaefer and Steve Eiken MEDSTAT December 26, 2003 PDF Version: (20 PDF pages)
Fast Track and Other Nursing Home Diversion Initiatives: Colorado's Nursing Home Transition Grant
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Fast Track and Other Nursing Home Diversion Initiatives: Colorado's Nursing Home Transition Grant
One-to-One: Vermont's Nursing Home Transition Program
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services One-to-One: Vermont's Nursing Home Transition Program Steve Eiken, Marjorie Hatzmann and Anthony J. Asciutto MEDSTAT December 19, 2003 PDF Version: (19 PDF pages)
Partnerships for Community Living: Florida's Nursing Home Transition Program
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Partnerships for Community Living: Florida's Nursing Home Transition Program Michael Schaefer and Steve Eiken MEDSTAT December 23, 2003 PDF Version: (20 PDF pages)
Pennsylvania Transition to Home (PATH): Pennsylvania's Nursing Home Transition Program
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Pennsylvania Transition to Home (PATH): Pennsylvania's Nursing Home Transition Program
Federal Medical Assistance Percentages (FMAP), Fiscal Year 2005
Administrative Data
Federal Financial Participation in State Assistance Expenditures; Federal Matching Shares for Medicaid, the State Children's Health Insurance Program, and Aid to Needy Aged, Blind, or Disabled Persons for October 1, 2004 Through September 30, 2005 [Federal Register: December 3, 2003 (Volume 68, Number 232)]
Update of ASPE Activities Related to Community-Integration Executive Order for People with Disabilities
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Update of ASPE Activities Related to Community-Integration Executive Order for People with Disabilities
Feasibility Study for the Evaluation of DHHS Programs Operated under Tribal Self-Governance
Draft Final Report Delivery Order 27 Under Contract No. HHS-100-97-0017 Authors: Kathy Langwell Cynthia Helba Jo Ann Kauffman
State Experiences with Minimum Nursing Staff Ratios for Nursing Facilities: Findings from Case Studies of Eight States
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Welfare-to-Work Grants Program: Adjusting to Changing Circumstances
Contents Update on the Status of Program Operations Post-WtW Plans Adjustments Related to TANF Policies Adjustments Related to WIA Policies Adjustments Due to the Economy
Measuring Long-Term Care Work: A Guide to Selected Instruments to Examine Direct Care Worker Experiences and Outcomes
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services U.S. Department of Labor Measuring Long-Term Care Work: A Guide to Selected Instruments to Examine Direct Care Worker Experiences and Outcomes Executive Summary
Welfare-to-Work Grants Program: Adjusting to Changing Circumstances
This report provides an update on the status of WtW program operations and post-WtW plans for the eleven evaluation study sites as the five-year grant periods draw to a close.
Measuring Long-Term Care Work: A Guide to Selected Instruments to Examine Direct Care Worker Experiences and Outcomes
This Guide was developed to help long-term care providers devise appropriate surveys for measuring the experiences, behaviors and outcomes of Direct Care Workers (DCW) which might influence DCW retention and the long-term care work environment.
State Experiences with Minimum Nursing Staff Ratios for Nursing Facilities: Findings from Case Studies of Eight States
This paper reports on (1) what is known about the status of states' minimum nursing staff ratios and (2) findings from case studies that examine states' experiences with implementing or modifying these standards in a selected number of states.
Welfare-to-Work Grants Programs: Adjusting to Changing Circumstances
By: Demetra Smith Nightingale, Carolyn Taylor O'Brien, Michael Egner, Nancy Pindus, and John Trutko (The Urban Institute)
State Experiences with Minimum Nursing Staff Ratios for Nursing Facilities: Findings from Case Studies of Eight States
Jane Tilly, Dr.P.H., Kirsten Black, M.P.P., and Barbara Ormond, Ph.D.The Urban Institute
Giving Noncustodial Parents Options: Employment and Child Support Outcomes of the SHARE Program
In recent years, policymakers and program administrators have increasingly focused on the role of noncustodial parents (NCPs) in the lives of low-income families.
Study of the District of Columbia's TANF Caseload
This report presents results from an in-depth study of DC's TANF recipients. The study addresses the status of TANF recipients in 2002 and challenges to work that they may face. DC surveyed a representative sample of single-parent TANF caseheads who were on the TANF rolls in August 2002.
Long-Term Effects of the Minnesota Family Investment Program on Marriage and Divorce Among Two-Parent Families
In 1994, Minnesota began testing a major welfare reform initiative that emphasized financial incentives for work, a participation requirement for long-term recipients, and the simplification of rules and procedures for receiving public assistance. MDRC conducted an in-depth evaluation of the Minnesota Family Investment Program's effectiveness and impact on various populations served.
Giving Noncustodial Parents Options: Employment and Child Support Outcomes of the SHARE Program
The Support Has A Rewarding Effect (SHARE) initiative operated with Welfare-to-Work (WtW) grant support in three counties in the state of Washington.
Giving Noncustodial Parents Options: Employment and Child Support Outcomes of the SHARE Program
By: Irma Perez-Johnson, Jacqueline Kauff, and Alan Hershey Submitted to: Department of Health and Human Services Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation Project Officer: Alana Landey
Characteristics of Families Using Title IV-D Services in 1999 and 2001
Family Well-Being
Prepared by: Linda Mellgren, Jennifer Burnszynski, Sarah Douglas, and Brian Sinclair-James
TANF "Leavers", Applicants, and Caseload Studies: Summary of Research on Welfare Outcomes Funded by ASPE
Including Introduction Cross-state Comparisons Findings Employment Rates Earnings Recidivism Medicaid
Core Performance Indicators for Homeless-Serving Programs Administered by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Contents Characteristics of the Four Homeless-Serving Programs Analysis of Measures Derived from Homeless Administrative Data Systems (HADS) Potential Core Performance Measures For Homeless-Specific Service Programs Application of Sugges
Changes in Medicare Home Health Agency Supply: 1996-1999
Long-Term Care Financing
This paper expands upon previous research addressing the question of how supply of Medicare Home Health Agencies (HHAs) changed after implementation of the interim payment system (IPS) in two important ways.
Core Performance Indicators for Homeless-Serving Programs Administered by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
This report explores the feasibility of developing a core set of performance measures across four HHS programs that focus on service delivery to homeless persons.
Prevention Makes Common "Cents"
Expenditures for health care in the United States continue to rise and are estimated to reach $1.66 trillion in 2003. Much of these costs can be attributed to the diagnosis and treatment of chronic diseases and conditions such as diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease and asthma. A much smaller amount is spent on preventing these conditions.
Core Performance Indicators for Homeless-Serving Programs Administered by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Prepared for:Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and EvaluationU.S. Department of Health and Human Services Project Officer: Walter Leginski
Changes in Medicare Home Health Agency Supply: 1996-1999
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Easing the Burden of Caregiving: The Effect of Consumer Direction on Primary Informal Caregivers in Arkansas
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Operating TANF: Opportunities and Challenges for Tribes and Tribal Consortia
Contents Making the Decision to Operate Tribal TANF Developing a Sound TANF Plan Ensuring Smooth Program Implementation and Operations Lessons Learned and Implications
Easing the Burden of Caregiving: The Effect of Consumer Direction on Primary Informal Caregivers in Arkansas
Cash and Counseling, an innovative model of consumer direction, has been implemented as a three-state demonstration designed to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of allowing Medicaid beneficiaries to assume more responsibility for the supportive services they may need.
Federal Workforce Development Programs: A New Opportunity for Recruiting and Retaining Direct Care Workers in the Long-Term Care Field
The purpose of this report is to describe five federal workforce development programs and how some long-term care agencies and service providers use them to improve the recruitment and retention of direct care workers.
A Compendium of Intervention and Descriptive Studies Designed to Promote the Health of Caregivers for Older Adults
An important component of the ASPE Health (Promotion and Aging Project is the development of such an inventory of health promotion, disease prevention, and health education activities targeted at informal caregivers for HHS.
Operating TANF: Opportunities and Challenges for Tribes and Tribal Consortia
This report, fromf HHS' congressionally mandated evaluation of DOL's Welfare-to-Work Grants Program, describes the challenges and successes of ten tribal grantees in planning, implementing, and operating tribal TANF, the tribal welfare program with the most participants and the largest budget.
A Compendium of Intervention and Descriptive Studies Designed to Promote the Health of Caregivers for Older Adults
Donna Rabiner, PhD, Janet O'Keeffe, PhD, and David Brown, MA RTI International
Operating TANF: Opportunities and Challenges for Tribes and Tribal Consortia
By: Walter Hillabrant and Mack B. Rhoades, Jr Support Services International, Inc. Nancy Pindus The Urban Institute
Federal Workforce Development Programs: A New Opportunity for Recruiting and Retaining Direct Care Workers in the Long-Term Care Field
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Federal Workforce Development Programs: A New Opportunity for Recruiting and Retaining Direct Care Workers in the Long-Term Care Field
Easing the Burden of Caregiving: The Effect of Consumer Direction on Primary Informal Caregivers in Arkansas
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Agency Closings and Changes in Medicare Home Health Use: 1996-1999
Healthcare Coverage & Access
Implementation of the 1997 Balanced Budget Act's home health provisions dramatically reduced Medicare home health utilization and led to closures of many agencies. This paper examined the potential effects of the agency closings on beneficiary utilization rates. Findings suggest that agency closings, per se, had only a very small impact on changes in utilization rates between 1996 and 1999.