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ASPE uses and produces data as key components of its work. ASPE studies and assesses data and how it is captured, managed, analyzed and protected, including the interplay of the sources, systems, standards for data that support policy, practice and research. 

ASPE also co-chairs the HHS Data Council, which is the principal internal advisory body to the Secretary on health and human services data policy. The Council coordinates data policy activities in HHS, including the development and implementation of an HHS data strategy, and conducts research to improve long-term collection and use of HHS data. 

ASPE’s work involves many types of data produced by HHS and other governmental programs and other partners. For example: 

  • Through its Foundations for Evidence-Based Policies Act of 2018 (“Evidence Act”) and Data Council responsibilities, ASPE leads HHS efforts to improve the quality and accessibility of its data assets.
  • Through its investments under the aegis of the Office of the Secretary Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Trust Fund (OS-PCORTF), ASPE supports interoperability through such products as linked datasets involving mortality data, HL7 implementation guides in support of FHIR for research use of electronic health records, claims and other data, and natural language processing approaches.
  • Through the use of ASPE-developed supplemental data tables, ASPE has developed issue brief series examining options before and after the passage of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARP).
  • Through its issue briefs such as this brief on Medicare Telehealth utilization trends, ASPE provides unique and timely data and analyses on important policy issues.
  • Pursuant to the Social Security Act, ASPE annually calculates and publishes the Federal Medical Assistance Percentage (FMAP), enhanced Federal Medicaid Assistance Percentage (e-FMAP), and disaster-recovery FMAP for all states, the District of Columbia, and territories. The FMAP is used to determine federal funding for Medicaid/CHIP, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Contingency Funds, and other public programs. The FY 2022 FMAP notice was published in the Federal Register on November 30, 2020.


Displaying 171 - 180 of 628. 10 per page. Page 18.

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Final Outcome Evaluation of the Balancing Incentive Program

This is the final report of the Balancing Incentive Program evaluation. Five earlier progress reports on the Balancing Incentive Program (BIP) have already been published. The BIP, legislated in the 2010 Affordable Care Act, offered states temporary enhanced federal financial participation for Medicaid home and community-based services (HCBS).

Aligning Federal Performance Indicators Across Programs Promoting Self-Sufficiency: Local Perspectives

Individuals and families frequently qualify for multiple human services and employment programs that are funded, regulated, and administered by different federal agencies—each with their own eligibility criteria, program requirements, and performance indicators.

Incorporating Social Determinants of Health in Electronic Health Records: A Qualitative Study of Perspectives on Current Practices among Top Vendors

Background: Social determinants of health (SDH) are increasingly seen as important to understanding patient health and identifying appropriate interventions to improve health outcomes, in what is a complex interplay between health system, community, and individual level factors.

Addressing Social Determinants of Health Needs of Dually Enrolled Beneficiaries in Medicare Advantage Plans: Findings from Interviews and Case Studies

Medicare Advantage (MA) plans that serve relatively higher proportions of dually enrolled beneficiaries have lower ratings in the MA Star Rating program than plans that serve fewer dually enrolled beneficiaries. However, some MA plans that serve a high proportion of dually enrolled beneficiaries are high performers.

An Overview of Long-Term Services and Supports and Medicaid: Final Report

Nga T. Thach, BS, and Joshua M. Wiener, PhD RTI International May 2018 Printer Friendly Version in PDF Format (34 PDF pages)

2017 Annual Report of HHS Projects to Build Data Capacity for Patient-Centered Outcomes Research

The OS PCORTF Annual Report provides project descriptions for each of the OS-PCORTF portfolio’s 21 projects that were active in calendar year 2017.

Substance Use, the Opioid Epidemic and the Child Welfare Caseloads: Methodological Details from a Mixed Methods Study

This brief describes the research methods used to produce the findings in Substance Use, the Opioid Epidemic, and Child Welfare Caseloads: A Mixed Methods Study. It is a part of a series of briefs that discuss different aspects and issues surrounding the relationship between substance use disorders and the child welfare system.

Predictive Analytics in Child Welfare: Considerations in Contracting Vendors for Predictive Analytics

An increasing number of child welfare agencies are considering using predictive analytics in their work. Typically they do so by contracting with a vendor to develop and maintain a predictive analytics model that is used by the agency to predict risk of a specified outcome.
Report to Congress

Welfare Indicators and Risk Factors, Seventeenth Report to Congress

This report provides welfare dependence indicators through 2015 for most indicators and through 2016 for some indicators, reflecting changes that have taken place since enactment of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PRWORA) in 1996.

Substance Use, the Opioid Epidemic and the Child Welfare System: Key Findings from a Mixed Methods Study

This study examined the relationship between parental substance misuse and child welfare caseloads, which began rising in 2012 after more than a decade of decline.