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ASPE uses and produces data as key components of its work. ASPE studies and assesses data and how it is captured, managed, analyzed and protected, including the interplay of the sources, systems, standards for data that support policy, practice and research. 

ASPE also co-chairs the HHS Data Council, which is the principal internal advisory body to the Secretary on health and human services data policy. The Council coordinates data policy activities in HHS, including the development and implementation of an HHS data strategy, and conducts research to improve long-term collection and use of HHS data. 

ASPE’s work involves many types of data produced by HHS and other governmental programs and other partners. For example: 

  • Through its Foundations for Evidence-Based Policies Act of 2018 (“Evidence Act”) and Data Council responsibilities, ASPE leads HHS efforts to improve the quality and accessibility of its data assets.
  • Through its investments under the aegis of the Office of the Secretary Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Trust Fund (OS-PCORTF), ASPE supports interoperability through such products as linked datasets involving mortality data, HL7 implementation guides in support of FHIR for research use of electronic health records, claims and other data, and natural language processing approaches.
  • Through the use of ASPE-developed supplemental data tables, ASPE has developed issue brief series examining options before and after the passage of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARP).
  • Through its issue briefs such as this brief on Medicare Telehealth utilization trends, ASPE provides unique and timely data and analyses on important policy issues.
  • Pursuant to the Social Security Act, ASPE annually calculates and publishes the Federal Medical Assistance Percentage (FMAP), enhanced Federal Medicaid Assistance Percentage (e-FMAP), and disaster-recovery FMAP for all states, the District of Columbia, and territories. The FMAP is used to determine federal funding for Medicaid/CHIP, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Contingency Funds, and other public programs. The FY 2022 FMAP notice was published in the Federal Register on November 30, 2020.


Displaying 221 - 230 of 628. 10 per page. Page 23.

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Financial Condition and Health Care Burdens of People in Deep Poverty

Americans living at the bottom of the income distribution often struggle to meet their basic needs on very limited incomes, even with the added assistance of government programs.

Background Paper: Financial Protections of CHIP and QHPs

This paper compares CHIP and QHP out-of-pocket spending for premiums and cost sharing, taking into account premium subsidies and cost-sharing reductions for Marketplace plans. We also review analyses done by others comparing the benefit packages in separate CHIP plans and QHPs.

2015 Plan Selections by ZIP Code in the Health Insurance Marketplace

Plan Selections by ZIP Code in the Health Insurance Marketplace April 2015

Minimizing Disclosure Risk in HHS Open Data Initiatives

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Support and Services at Home (SASH) Evaluation: First Annual Report

September 2014   RTI International Abstract The Support and Services at Home (SASH) program in Vermont is a subcomponent of a larger Medicare demonstration--the Multi-payer Advanced Primary Ca

Evaluation of the Strong Cities, Strong Communities (SC2) Teams Pilot: Federal Role in Revitalizing Distressed Cities: Interagency Collaboration and Local Partnerships

The federal government has historically invested significant resources in the nation’s distressed cities. However, the benefits of these investments have often not been fully realized.

Evaluation of the Strong Cities, Strong Communities (SC2) Teams Pilot: Final Report

The Strong Cities, Strong Communities Initiative (SC2) is a new interagency approach to partnering with cities for economic growth launched by the White House Domestic Policy Council in 2011.