In value-based models of health care delivery, providers are financially rewarded or penalized on the basis of the quality of care they provide to patients, typically measured by patient outcomes.
Data Sharing & Interoperability
Displaying 11 - 20 of 23. 10 per page. Page 2.
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Linking State Health Care Data to Inform Policymaking: Opportunities and Challenges
This posting includes a report prepared by the RAND Corporation, “State All Payer Claims Databases Understanding the Current Landscape and Challenges to Use,” which builds on a 2021 report “The History, Promise and Challenges of State All Payer Claims Databases.” The new report provides additional detail on the objectives of and use cases for APCDs, the current APCD landscape, and implementatio
Addressing Social Determinants of Health: Examples of Successful Evidence-Based Strategies and Current Federal Efforts
Long-standing health inequities and poor health outcomes remain a pressing policy challenge in the U.S. While opportunities to advance health equity through clinical care continue to be important, addressing the ways in which social determinants of health (SDOH) increase or decrease the risk of poor health outcomes is critical to improving the nation’s health and wellbeing.
Social Determinants of Health Data Sharing at the Community Level
This report represents a landscape review of community-level efforts to address SDOH, followed by interviews with participants in three community-level initiatives that have built networks to coordinate clinical and social services.
Maximizing Data Interoperability and Integration to Support Value-Based Care
Stakeholders broadly recognize the imperative of accessing, exchanging, integrating and using data from across the care spectrum to achieve the goals of value-based care. Though there is increasing evidence data exchange is occurring, less is known about how data are being integrated into workflows and used across the care spectrum.
Information Exchange in Integrated Care Models: Final Report
Communicating necessary and timely information to providers across the continuum of care is central to providing coordinated care. This report focuses on the information exchange processes of integrated care models that provide care for populations with long-term service and support (LTSS) needs.
Web-based Information Exchange and Information Services Concept to Support the Exchange of Newborn Screening Information
State newborn screening (NBS) programs for heritable diseases and conditions provide vital health information that enables prevention and early detection of rare genetic conditions. Information management of the screening laboratory test orders and the reporting of laboratory is substantial challenge based on a variety of factors.
Identifying Opportunities to Maximize the Utility of Genomics Research Data Through Electronic Health Information Exchange
Identifying Opportunities To Maximize the Utility of Genomics Research Data Through Electronic Health Information Exchange Meeting Summary Andrew Dorfmann and Jessica Nadler 10/15/2009
Developing a Framework to Guide Genomic Data Sharing and Reciprocal Benefits to Developing Countries and Indigenous Peoples: A Colloquium
Developing a Framework to Guide Genomic Data Sharing and Reciprocal Benefits to Developing Countries and Indigenous Peoples: A Colloquium January 7-8, 2009 Georgetown University, Washington, DC