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Public Health

Access up-to-date ASPE research on key public health topics including emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases, such as influenza and COVID-19; health equity; antibiotic resistance; rural health; opioids, opioid use disorder and overdose prevention; maternal health; public health and health care workforce and infrastructure; immunization and vaccines; Indian health; HIV/AIDS; tobacco; and emergency preparedness, response, and recovery. Also find data on prevention, social determinants of health, and more.

HHS Initiative to Improve Maternal Health

The Department’s Action Plan lays out a vision for improving maternal health that applies a “life course” approach organized around four goals and it sets three ambitious targets to achieve this vision. Each of the four goals includes multiple objectives and action items to drive progress. The Action Plan also describes the current state of maternal health outcomes in the U.S., challenges in reducing maternal mortality and morbidity, recent efforts to improve maternal health within and beyond the federal government, and it discusses various forums in which HHS leadership sought input from key stakeholders.


Displaying 851 - 860 of 940. 10 per page. Page 86.

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Managed Care and People with Disabilities: Research Project Descriptions

In an effort to better understand the impact of managed care on disabled populations, staff from the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation's Office of Disability, Aging and Long-Term Care Policy and the Office of Health Policy, in collaboration with HCFA, have developed a series of research and evaluation efforts focused on managed care and people with disabilities.

Encyclopedia of Financial Gerontology: Federal Disability Programs Section

Federal disability programs, which provide services such as cash support, health care coverage, and direct supportive services to eligible people with disabilities, are typically limited to people under the age of 65.

Home and Community-Based Care: The U.S. Example

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Diagnostic Risk Adjustment for Medicaid: The Disability Payment System

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Subacute Care: Policy Synthesis and Market Area Analysis

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Subacute Care: Policy Synthesis and Market Area Analysis Proponents of subacute care claim that subacute care is a cost-effective alternative to acute care services, that is, it can be provided in lower cost settings with no diminution of quality.

U.S.-Japan Collaborative Effort Study of Long-Term Care Data Comparability: Final Report

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Adolescent Time Use, Risky Behavior and Outcomes: An Analysis of National Data

Adolescent Time Use, Risky Behavior and Outcomes: An Analysis of National Data Nicholas Zill, Christine Winquist Nord, and Laura Spencer Loomis Westat, Inc. September 11, 1995   For the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

RESEARCH AGENDA: Disability Data

The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation sponsored an expert meeting to advise DALTCP on policy issues and available data related to several populations of persons with disabilities: working age adults, children, persons age 65 and older, and special populations (e.g., persons with developmental disabilities, persons with mental illness).

Beginning Too Soon: Adolescent Sexual Behavior, Pregnancy and Parenthood. A Review of Research and Interventions.

by: Kristin A. Moore, Brent C. Miller, Barbara W. Sugland, Donna Ruane Morrison, Dana A. Glei, Connie Blumenthal,

Persons with Severe Mental Illness: How Do They Fit Into Long-Term Care?

This report examines the issues involved in seeking to address the long-term care service needs of persons with severe mental illness (SMI) in a generic long-term care financing and service delivery system, as was proposed in the home and community-based services provisions of the Health Security Act.