This tool contrasts components of ideal, equitable engagements with components of inequitable engagements, which health and human services staff can use to identify opportunities to strengthen efforts to engage people with lived experience.
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What is Lived Experience?
This infographic describes key elements of lived experience in the context of health and human services work, and why engaging people with lived experience is essential to advancing equity.
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How Many People Participate in the Social Safety Net?
Social safety net programs provide different types of support to people facing economic hardship. This data point presents estimates of overall participation in the social safety net in 2019, the latest year of available data and presents rates of participation in multiple programs.
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How Many People that Receive One Safety Net Benefit Also Receive Others
People facing economic instability often need more than one program or service. This pre-pandemic analysis looks at the reach of the social safety net, including the interaction of specific programs, to better understand program participation as the economy continues to recover.
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The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Child Care Industry and Workforce
This brief explores important trends in the child care industry during the first two years of the COVID-19 pandemic and places those trends in a historical context. Specifically, we find:
Policy Brief
Linking Child Welfare and Medicaid Data: Lessons Learned from Two States
This report provides information to state, tribal, and local child welfare and behavioral health agencies that are interested in linking their Medicaid and child welfare data.
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Changes in Health Insurance Coverage, 2019-2021: Geographic and Demographic Patterns in the Uninsured Rate
This Issue Brief examines the composition of the population that is uninsured and highlights changes in uninsured rates by geography and demographic factors from 2019 to 2021, during a time of significant federal policy efforts to expand coverage.
Tips on Engaging Diverse Groups of External Partners
This tip sheet provides key considerations for how organizations can identify potential diverse external partners, conduct outreach to them, and build and sustain productive relationships with them.
Guide on Advancing Equity through Quantitative Analysis
This guide explores opportunities to advance equity in quantitative analysis, including by recognizing common biases (e.g., research and measurement bias) and discussing specific quantitative methods and tools to help quantitative analyses address equity.
Tips on Equitable Communication
This tip sheet highlights the importance of using equitable communication and includes tips, guiding questions, and additional resources. The information is organized around three key strategies for equitable communication: