Search Results for "poverty guidelines"
Displaying 1 - 20 of 41 results. 20 results shown per page. Page 1 of 3.
State and Local Estimates of the Uninsured Population in the U.S. Using the Census Bureau’s 2023 American Community Survey
Publication Date
In order to support state and local outreach efforts, ASPE has developed state, county, and local estimates of the number of U.S. residents without health insurance and their demographic characteristics, using the most recent Census data available from the 2023 American Community Survey (ACS).
Count Estimates of Zero- and Low-Premium Plan Availability, States Pre and Post ARP
Publication Date
These supplemental data tables are for the ASPE Issue Brief series, Access to Marketplace Plans with Low Premiums on the Federal Platform, that examines the availability of zero-premium and low-premium (defined as less than or equal to $50 per month) plans after application of advanced premium tax credits in states served by the federal Marketplace platform,, before and after the
State, County, and Local Estimates of the Uninsured Population: Prevalence and Key Demographic Features
Publication Date
UPDATE November 18, 2022: Uninsured Tables with 2021 American Community Survey data is now available.State and Local Estimates of the Uninsured Population in the U.S. Using the Census Bureau’s 2019 American Community Survey
Young Adults Are Particularly Likely to Gain Stable Health Insurance Coverage as a Result of the Affordable Care Act
Publication Date
ASPE RESEARCH BRIEF Young Adults Are Particularly Likely to Gain Stable Health Insurance Coverage as a Result of the Affordable Care Act March 2012 By: Karyn Schwartz and Benjamin D. Sommers, ASPE
Health Care Coverage and Medicaid/CHIP Eligibility for Child Support Eligible Children
Publication Date
This ASPE Research Brief examines the private and public health insurance coverage of children eligible for child support services. The generally low-incomes and unique family structures of children in the child support system may create numerous challenges in obtaining private health insurance coverage. This brief provides estimates of the extent to which uninsured children in the
TRIM3 Simulations of Full-Year Uninsured Children and their Eligibility of Medicaid and SCHIP
Publication Date
TRIM3 Simulations of Full-Year Uninsured Children and their Eligibility for Medicaid and SCHIP[1] Technical Report By: Kenneth Finegold and Linda Giannarelli June, 2007
Seventy-one million additional Americans are receiving preventive services coverage without cost-sharing under the Affordable Care Act
Publication Date
The Affordable Care Act ensures that most insurance plans (so-called ‘non-grandfathered’ plans) provide coverage for and eliminate cost-sharing on certain reco
Fifty-Four Million Additional Americans Are Receiving Preventive Services Without Cost-Sharing Under The Affordable Care Act
Publication Date
ASPE ISSUE BRIEF Fifty-Four Million Additional Americans Are Receiving Preventive Services Coverage Without Cost-Sharing Under The Affordable Care Act February 2012 By: Benjamin D. Sommers and Lee Wilson ASPE
TRIM3's 2001 Baseline Simulation of the Medicaid and SCHIP Eligibility and Enrollment: Methods and Results,
Publication Date
TRIM3's 2001 Baseline Simulation of Medicaid and SCHIP Eligibility and Enrollment: Methods and Results TRIM3 Microsimulation Project Technical Paper April 2005 By: Linda Giannarelli, Paul Johnson, Sandi Nelson, and Meghan Williamson Urban Institute
Health Care Coverage Among Child Support-Eligible Children
Publication Date
Health Care Coverage Among Child Support-Eligible Children By: Laudan Y. Aron Submitted to:Department of Health and Human Services Office of the Assistant Secretary of Planning and Evaluation December 2002
Health Insurance Marketplace: Uninsured Populations Eligible to Enroll for 2016
Publication Date
By: Kenneth Finegold, Kelsey Avery, Bula Ghose, and Caryn Marks
Estimates of the QHP Eligible Uninsured by Designated Market Area for the Third Open Enrollment Period
Publication Date
ASPE has developed estimates of the number of uninsured who are likely to qualify for coverage for 2016 through Qualified Health Plans (QHPs) in the Health Insurance Marketplace (“QHP-eligible uninsured”) for select designated market areas (DMA) in the United States. A DMA is a geographic area that represents a specific television market defined by the Nielsen Company.
Nearly 5 in 10 Uninsured Single Young Adults Eligible for the Health Insurance Marketplace Could Pay $50 or Less Per month for Coverage in 2014
Publication Date
ASPE RESEARCH BRIEF By: Laura Skopec and Emily R. Gee Abstract
2015 Plan Selections by County in the Health Insurance Marketplace
Publication Date
July 2015 (Updated)
Impact of Insurance Expansion on Hospital Uncompensated Care Costs in 2014
Publication Date
Thomas DeLeire, Karen Joynt, and Ruth McDonald This report summarizes research on the effect of the major health insurance coverage expansion under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) on the drivers of uncompensated care (UCC) and on hospital UCC costs. Key Takeaways
Fifty-Six Percent of the Uninsured Could Pay $100 or Less per Month for Coverage in 2014
Publication Date
By: Laura Skopec and Emily Gee Abstract
Overview of the Uninsured in the United States: A Summary of the 2012 Current Population Survey Report
Publication Date
ASPE ISSUE BRIEF By Susan R. Todd and Benjamin D. Sommers
At Risk: Pre-Existing Conditions Could Affect 1 in 2 Americans
Publication Date
At Risk: Pre-Existing Conditions Could Affect 1 in 2 Americans: 129 Million People Could Be Denied Affordable Coverage Without Health Reform November 2011 This report is available on the Internet at:
Market Competition Works: Proposed Silver Premiums in the 2014 Individual and Small Group Markets Are Nearly 20% Lower than Expected Premiums
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Market Competition Works: Proposed Silver Premiums in the 2014 Individual and Small Group Markets Are Nearly 20% Lower than Expected July 2013 By: Laura Skopec and Richard Kronick Abstract
Eligible Uninsured African Americans: 6 in 10 Could Receive Health Insurance Marketplace Tax Credits, Medicaid or CHIP
Publication Date
ASPE ISSUE BRIEF By: Emily R. Gee Abstract