ASPE ISSUE BRIEF Steven Sheingold, Nguyen Nguyen, and Andre Chappel Disclaimer Persons with disabilities having problems accessing this document may call (202) 690-6870 for assistance.
Prescription Drug Benefits
Displaying 31 - 40 of 53. 10 per page. Page 4.
Advanced SearchMedicaid Contracts with Medicare Special Needs Plans Reflect Diverse State Approaches to Dually Eligible Beneficiaries
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
State Purchasing Strategies Drive State Contracts with Medicare Special Needs Plans
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Payment for Medicare Advantage Plans: Policy Issues and Options
Medicare Advantage (MA) is the current program under which beneficiaries can enroll in private health plans rather than having their care covered through Medicare's traditional fee for service (FFS) program. Payments to MA plans in many areas are now substantially greater than the cost of treating comparable beneficiaries in the traditional program.
Federal Authority for Medicare Special Needs Plans and their Relationship to State Medicaid Programs
This Brief reviews the history and current status of federal special needs plans (SNPs) authority, with particular attention to provisions of interest to state Medicaid programs that have or are considering entering into contracts with SNPs to integrate or coordinate Medicaid long-term care services with Medicare primary, acute and prescription drug services for dually eligible beneficiaries.
Prescription Drug Spending by Medicare Beneficiaries in Institutional and Residential Settings, 1998-2001
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Drug Use and Spending for Medicare Beneficiaries During Part A Qualifying Skilled Nursing Facility Stays and Non-Qualifying Long-Term Care Facility Stays
This Policy Brief helps fill an important gap in our understanding of medication patterns in long-term care facilities (LTCFs) by comparing use and spending for prescription and over-the-counter drugs during skilled nursing facility (SNF) stays and related non-qualifying long-term care facility episodes.
Analysis of the Characteristics of Medicare Advantage Plan Participation: Final Report
Project Purpose
Findings Descriptive Analysis of Trends
Findings Insight from Firm Discussions
Benefits, Marketing, and Product Positioning