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Minimizing Disclosure Risk in HHS Open Data Initiatives

Federal agencies have a long history of releasing data to the public, and they also have a legal obligation to protect the confidentiality of the individuals and organizations from which the data were collected. Federal agencies have successfully balanced these two objectives for decades.

Identifying Medicare Beneficiaries with Disabilities: Improving on Claims-Based Algorithms

Identifying Medicare Beneficiaries with Disabilities: Improving on Claims-Based Algorithms

Understanding Disparities in Persons with Multiple Chronic Conditions: Research Approaches and Datasets

Final White Paper Contract # HHSP2333700IT Prepared for: James Sorace, MD, MS,   Michael Millman, PhD Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation U.S. Department of Health & Human Services 200 Independence Ave. S.W. Washington, DC 20201

American Community Survey: New Survey Questions Enable Measurement of Marital Transitions

  ASPE RESEARCH BRIEF American Community Survey: New Survey Questions Enable Measurement of Marital Transitions October 2008 This Research Brief is available on the Internet at:

Greenbook Initiative Final Evaluation Report

The report is the final report of a cross-site evaluation of six demonstration sites in which child welfare agencies, dependency courts, and domestic violence service agencies collaborated to address the co-occurrence of domestic violence and child maltreatment in families. The six sites were San Jose and San Francisco, California, Lane County, Oregon, El Paso County, Colorado, St.

Medicaid-Financed Nursing Home Services: Characteristics of People Served and Their Patterns of Care, 2001-2002

The goal of this study was to describe patterns of Medicaid nursing home utilization for each state and nationally. The authors address three specific research questions in this report: (1) What are the characteristics of people who use Medicaid nursing home services? (2) How do people who use Medicaid nursing home services become eligible for Medicaid?