by Leighton Ku and Bethany Kessler of The Urban Institute.
Administrative Data
Displaying 111 - 118 of 118. 10 per page. Page 12.
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A Description of Board and Care Facilities, Operators, and Residents
This is the second in a series of four reports that summarize study findings and methods. This report presents descriptive findings on the characteristics of board and care facilities, operators, staff, and residents. Section 2 briefly describes the study design and sampling and analytic methodology; more detailed discussion is presented in the Technical Report Study Methods.
Trends in AFDC and Food Stamp Benefits: 1972-1994
ASPE Research Notes INFORMATION FOR DECISION MAKERS FOCUS ON: Family Issues Issued May 1995 Trends in AFDC and Food Stamp Benefits: 1972-1994 PDF Version:
An Examination of Issues Related to How HCBS Programs Operate Within Fixed Budgets and to the Administrative Linkages Between Eligibility Determination, Needs Assessment and Care Planning Functions
This paper reports the findings of an exploratory study to document and analyze selected best practices related to state-administered home and community-based services (HCBS) programs.
The Medicaid Personal Care Services Option Part I: Cross-State Variations and Trends Over Time
The past decade or so has seen considerable growth in the number of Medicaid programs electing to cover personal care services--from only ten in FY 1979 to 29 in FY 1992. Substantial inter-state variation exists in Medicaid personal care services coverage.
Variations in the Medicaid Safety Net for Children and Youth with High Medical Costs: A Comparison of Four States
This report analyzes the Medicaid experience of children and young adults with total annual Medicaid claims of $25,000 or more in California, Georgia, Michigan and Tennessee in order to better understand service utilization patterns and how they vary by age and other characteristics.
An Estimate of the Number of Persons with Developmental Disabilities Receiving Supplemental Security Income Benefits and Their Characteristics
This paper was prepared as part of the Project to Design a Survey of Persons with Developmental Disabilities. The overall purpose of this project was to develop a national survey design that would provide data on a nationally representative sample of persons. This paper was conducted to develop a National Survey of Mentally Retarded and Developmentally Disabled Persons in Community Settings.
Foster Care for Children and Adults with Handicaps: Child Welfare and Adult Social Services Final Report
This report summarizes state-by-state data on the number of children and adults in foster homes administered by child welfare or social service agencies. As of December 1985, there were approximately 261,000 children in out-of-home foster care, including 54,000 handicapped children, of whom 14,000 were mentally retarded.