This toolkit aims to help states develop a plan for Title IV-E prevention services, and to assist states in planning a comprehensive array of services to help prevent the need for foster care placement (“prevention services”) by braiding Title IV-E prevention services reimbursement with Medicaid and other funding mechanisms.
Adoption & Foster Care
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Advanced SearchIV-E Prevention Toolkit: Determining Priorities, Goals, and Actions
This toolkit aims to help states develop a plan for Title IV-E prevention services, and to assist states in planning a comprehensive array of services to help prevent the need for foster care placement (“prevention services”) by braiding Title IV-E prevention services reimbursement with Medicaid and other funding mechanisms.
IV-E Prevention Toolkit: Introduction to the Toolkit
This toolkit aims to help states develop a plan for Title IV-E prevention services, and to assist states in planning a comprehensive array of services to help prevent the need for foster care placement (“prevention services”) by braiding Title IV-E prevention services reimbursement with Medicaid and other funding mechanisms.
IV-E Prevention Toolkit: Appendices
This toolkit aims to help states develop a plan for Title IV-E prevention services, and to assist states in planning a comprehensive array of services to help prevent the need for foster care placement (“prevention services”) by braiding Title IV-E prevention services reimbursement with Medicaid and other funding mechanisms.
IV-E Prevention Toolkit: Understanding Roles of Funding and Decision Points
This toolkit aims to help states develop a plan for Title IV-E prevention services, and to assist states in planning a comprehensive array of services to help prevent the need for foster care placement (“prevention services”) by braiding Title IV-E prevention services reimbursement with Medicaid and other funding mechanisms.
Research Brief
ASPE Research Brief: Patterns of Treatment/Therapeutic Foster Care and Congregate Care Placements in Three States
This is a shorter, summary version of ASPE’s full analytical report with a similar title, examining the characteristics and care trajectories of children in Illinois, New York, and Tennessee who receive Treatment Foster Care services compared with those receiving congregate care, traditional, non-kinship foster care, and kinship foster care.
Patterns of Treatment/Therapeutic Foster Care and Congregate Care Placements in Three States
This report provides a quantitative analysis of three states’ use of therapeutic foster care, an intensive, treatment-focused form of foster care provided in a family setting by trained caregivers.
State Practices in Treatment/Therapeutic Foster Care
Treatment foster care (TFC; sometimes known as therapeutic foster care) is a family-based placement option for children with serious emotional, behavioral, or medical needs who can be served in the community with intensive support. This report describes how TFC is implemented and supported by states.
Title IV-E GAP Programs: A Work in Progress
The Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008 provided states with the option to operate guardianship assistance programs (GAP) as part of their child welfare permanency continuum under Title IV-E of the Social Security Act. The first of these programs began operating in 2010, though some states had operated guardianship programs under title IV-E demonstration
Parental Incarceration and Children in Nonparental Care
This ASPE Research Brief describes the number and characteristics of children who in 2011 or 2012 lived with someone other than their parents and who had experienced the incarceration of a parent or guardian.