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IV-E Prevention Toolkit: Developing a Plan for Title IV-E Prevention Services

Publication Date

This toolkit aims to help states develop a plan for Title IV-E prevention services, and to assist states in planning a comprehensive array of services to help prevent the need for foster care placement (“prevention services”) by braiding Title IV-E prevention services reimbursement with Medicaid and other funding mechanisms. This tool, Developing a Plan for Title IV-E Prevention Services, reviews how states can translate information from earlier parts of this toolkit into developing a Title IV-E prevention program plan. Part VI also reviews the contents of the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) pre-print. (Text from the pre-print is included in Appendix D of this toolkit.) While this toolkit focuses on helping states to plan which services they will deliver and to whom, states will also need to consider additional operational details about how they will implement and monitor prevention services. Other parts of this toolkit may be found on the project’s landing page.

This toolkit offers considerations for planning and is organized as follows: 1. Identifying and engaging partners; Step 2. Assessing population, service needs, and service coverage; 3. Determining priorities, goals, and actions; 4. Understanding roles of funding and decision points; This is Step 5, which is the final step, Developing a plan for Title IV-E prevention services

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) | Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant (SABG) | Social Services Block Grant (SSBG) | Community Mental Health Services Block Grant (MHBG)