Despite the increasing evidence of high suicide rates and associated risk factors for older adults in the United States, the number of programs addressing these risk factors remains limited.
Suicide & Suicide Prevention
Displaying 1 - 4 of 4. 10 per page. Page 1.
Advanced SearchReport
Implementing and Sustaining Zero Suicide: Health Care System Efforts to Prevent Suicide
Zero Suicide is a system-wide approach for health systems to improve the quality and safety of care for those at risk of suicide, with the underlying goal of preventing all suicide deaths among patients. Although evidence has indicated that Zero Suicide is effective in reducing suicide-related outcomes, little is known about how organizations fund and sustain the Zero Suicide initiative.
Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics (CCBHC) Demonstration Program
Per Section 223(d)(7)(A) of the Protecting Access to Medicare Act (PAMA) of 2014 (Public Law 113-93), the HHS Secretary must submit to Congress an annual report on the use of funds provided under all demonstration programs conducted under this subsection, not later than one year after the date on which the first state is selected for a demonstration program under this subsection, and annually t
Literature Review
An AI/AN Suicide Prevention Hotline: Literature Review and Discussion with Experts
This exploratory study provides background information pertaining to an American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) Suicide Prevention Hotline.