Search Results for "poverty guidelines"
Displaying 1 - 20 of 50 results. 20 results shown per page. Page 1 of 3.
Factors that Impact the Child Support Program’s Role in Reducing Child Poverty: Convening Summary
Publication Date
This brief summarizes an expert convening focused on the child support program’s current ability and future potential to help address child poverty.Key Findings
Case Studies in Supporting Prevention through Human Services Program Integration
Publication Date
The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has been working with researchers, human services agency leaders, and persons with lived experience to visualize, describe, and document models of prevention within human services.
Coordinating Integrated Prevention Approaches to Serve the Whole Person
Publication Date
The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has been working with researchers, human services agency leaders, and persons with lived experience to visualize, describe, and document models of prevention within human services.
Integrating Services to Strengthen Children, Youth, and Families and Prevent Involvement in the Child Welfare System
Publication Date
The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has been working with researchers, human services agency leaders, and persons with lived experience to visualize, describe, and document models of primary prevention within human services.
Children’s Interagency Coordinating Council FY 2023 Report to Congress
Publication Date
As part of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023, Congress provided HHS with funding for the Children’s Interagency Coordinating Council (CICC). The CICC is charged with fostering greater coordination and transparency on child policy across federal agencies and examining a broad array of cross-cutting issues affecting child poverty and child well-being.
22nd Welfare Indicators and Risk Factors Report to Congress
Publication Date
This report provides welfare dependence indicators through 2019 for most indicators and through 2020 for other indicators, reflecting changes that have taken place since enactment of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PRWORA) in 1996.
Advancing Primary Prevention in Human Services: Key Considerations for Administrators and Practitioners
Publication Date
This brief presents considerations for program administrators and other practitioners around increasing the use of primary prevention in human services systems to shift from responding to families after they are in crisis to preventing the crisis before it occurs.
Advancing Primary Prevention in Human Services: Key Considerations for Policy Designers and Funding Partners
Publication Date
This brief provides key considerations for policy designers and funding partners—such as federal staff, technical experts, and philanthropic partners—on incorporating primary prevention into human services delivery.
Advancing Primary Prevention in Human Services: Opportunities for People with Lived Experience
Publication Date
This brief highlights a new way of delivering primary prevention services that promotes equity by relying on the guidance and leadership of people with lived experience. The policy designers and service providers behind prevention services should have lived experience and/or co-create these services with people who do.
Resources for developing and implementing two-generation approaches
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Home Resources Federal Programs Federal agencies have produced a variety of resources and research related to the development and implementation of two-generat
Federal Resources on Two-Generation Approaches for Human Services
Publication Date
Home Resources Federal Programs This web page provides information and resources about developing and implementing two-generation approaches from federal agenc
Child Support
Publication Date
The Child Support Program, enacted in 1975 as Part D of Title IV of the Social Security Act (P.L. 93-647), is one of the largest income support programs in the country, serving more children than the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), and Social Security combined. It is open to all children living apart from a parent.
Measuring T/TA Effectiveness
Publication Date
HHS and other federal agencies support a wide range of training and technical assistance (T/TA) initiatives to enhance delivery of programs aimed at reducing poverty, increasing economic mobility, and improving child and family well-being. However, little is known about how to best measure the effectiveness of this T/TA.
TANF "Leavers", Applicants, and Caseload Studies: Household Income
Publication Date
Including: Background Findings Survey Questions Background One policy goal of the work-focused welfare system instituted under the welfare reform law is moving individuals off cash assistance
The Affordable Care Act: Coverage Implications and Issues for Immigrant Families
Publication Date
ASPE ISSUE BRIEF The Affordable Care Act: Coverage Implications and Issues for Immigrant Families April 2012
TANF "Leavers", Applicants, and Caseload Studies: Data Files: Cuyahoga Public Use Data Files
Publication Date
File Name Size File Type File Contents Description Cuy Notes to Researchers.doc* 21KB Microsoft Word Notes for Researchers Using the Cuyahoga County Welfare Leavers Public Use Data Sets ORC Macro compiled this document to facilitate t
TANF "Leavers", Applicants, and Caseload Studies: Reports on Leavers
Publication Date
Including: Arizona California District of Columbia Florida Georgia Illinois Iowa Massachusetts Missouri
Are Homeless Families Connected to the Social Safety Net?
Publication Date
New analysis of data from HUD's Family Options Study of families' experiences in shelter and 20 months later shows that families experiencing homelessness are generally connected to public benefits at similar rates to other families in deep poverty.
TANF "Leavers", Applicants, and Caseload Studies: Survey Library
Publication Date
Including: Copies of ASPE Welfare Outcomes Grantee Questionnaires Studies of TANF “Leavers” Studies of TANF Applicants Studies of TANF Caseload Links to National Surveys