Search Results for "poverty guidelines"
Displaying 1 - 20 of 28 results. 20 results shown per page. Page 1 of 2.
The Fiscal Impact of Refugees and Asylees at the Federal, State, and Local Levels from 2005-2019
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Between 1990 and 2022, the United States welcomed over 2.1 million refugees and accepted over 800,000 asylees. While the purpose of granting visas to refugees and asylees is humanitarian, they do impact the United States economically. This analysis estimates the fiscal impact of refugees and asylees on federal, state, and local governments from 2005 to 2019.
Participation in the U.S. Social Safety Net: Coverage of Low-income Families, 2018
Publication Date
Participation in the social safety net varies widely across programs—from 15 percent among eligibles for subsidized child care (CCDF) to over 75 percent for Medicaid/CHIP and EITC.
Participation differs by race and ethnicity, yet patterns are not consistent. In general rates differ more across programs than between race-ethnic groups.
How States can Implement the Standardized Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI) Conversion Methodology from State Medicaid and CHIP Data
Publication Date
This document explains various considerations for states deciding between SIPP and state administrative data, how to use the eligibility templates provided by CMS for the MAGI-based eligibility conversion process, and the steps that states wishing to perform the conversions using state Medicaid and CHIP data will need to follow.
Health Care Coverage and Medicaid/CHIP Eligibility for Child Support Eligible Children
Publication Date
This ASPE Research Brief examines the private and public health insurance coverage of children eligible for child support services. The generally low-incomes and unique family structures of children in the child support system may create numerous challenges in obtaining private health insurance coverage. This brief provides estimates of the extent to which uninsured children in the
TRIM3 Simulations of Full-Year Uninsured Children and their Eligibility of Medicaid and SCHIP
Publication Date
TRIM3 Simulations of Full-Year Uninsured Children and their Eligibility for Medicaid and SCHIP[1] Technical Report By: Kenneth Finegold and Linda Giannarelli June, 2007
TRIM3's 2001 Baseline Simulation of the Medicaid and SCHIP Eligibility and Enrollment: Methods and Results,
Publication Date
TRIM3's 2001 Baseline Simulation of Medicaid and SCHIP Eligibility and Enrollment: Methods and Results TRIM3 Microsimulation Project Technical Paper April 2005 By: Linda Giannarelli, Paul Johnson, Sandi Nelson, and Meghan Williamson Urban Institute
Health Care Coverage Among Child Support-Eligible Children
Publication Date
Health Care Coverage Among Child Support-Eligible Children By: Laudan Y. Aron Submitted to:Department of Health and Human Services Office of the Assistant Secretary of Planning and Evaluation December 2002
Children’s Health Coverage on the 5th Anniversary of CHIPRA
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ASPE ISSUE BRIEF Children’s Health Coverage on the 5th Anniversary of CHIPRA February 2014 By: Kenneth Finegold and Sophia Koontz Abstract
Fifty-Six Percent of the Uninsured Could Pay $100 or Less per Month for Coverage in 2014
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By: Laura Skopec and Emily Gee Abstract
CHIPRA Mandated Evaluation of the Children's Health Insurance Program: Final Findings
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Mathematica Policy Research Mary Harrington Kimberly Smith Christopher Trenholm Sean Orzol Sheila Hoag Joseph Zickafoose Claire Dye Connie Qian Tyler Fisher Lauren Hula
Children's Health Insurance Expansions: State Experiences in Developing Benefit Packages and Cost-Sharing Arrangements
Publication Date
Contract #100-96-0011 Delivery Order No. 2 Final Report Submitted To:The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation Office of Health Policy U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Medicaid and CHIP Managed Care Payment Methods and Spending in 20 States
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ASPE Report By: Brigette Courtot, Teresa Coughlin, and Emily Lawton The Urban Institute, Washington, DC Abstract
Eligible Uninsured African Americans: 6 in 10 Could Receive Health Insurance Marketplace Tax Credits, Medicaid or CHIP
Publication Date
ASPE ISSUE BRIEF By: Emily R. Gee Abstract
State Practices in Medical Child Support Cross-Program Coordination
Publication Date
State Practices in Medical Child Support Cross-Program Coordination Prepared by : Lynne Fender, Jen Bernstein (The Urban Institute) for :Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation Office of the SecretaryU.S. Department of Health and Human Services June 2003
CHIPRA Mandated Evaluation of Express Lane Eligibility: First Year Findings
Publication Date
By: Sheila Hoag, Sean Orzol, Margaret Colby, Adam Swinburn, Fredric Blavin, Genevieve M. Kenney, Michael Hutnress Mathematica Policy Research, Inc. Abstract
1.2 Million Children Gain Insurance Since Reauthorization of Children's Health Insurance Program
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ASPE ISSUE BRIEF 1.2 Million Children Gain Insurance Since Reauthorization of Childrens Health Insurance Program December 2011 By: Benjamin D. Sommers ASPE
One Million Young Adults Gain Health Insurance in 2011 Because of the Affordable Care Act
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One Million Young Adults Gain Health Insurance in 2011 Because of the Affordable Care Act
September 2011
The Application Process For TANF, Food Stamps, Medicaid, and SCHIP
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Issues For Agencies and Applicants, Including Immigrants and Limited English Speakers
Simulation of Medicaid and SCHIP Eligibility: Implications of Findings From 10 States. Final Report.
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By: Carol Irvin John Czajka August 16, 2000
The Child Health Insurance Program: Early Implemenation in Six States
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Prepared by:Lynne M. Fender, Project DirectorMelissa Panagides-BuschRhoda SchulzingerAmerican Institutes for Research