This final report provides practical advice to State program administrators regarding the implementation of consumer-directed personal assistance (CD-PAS) programs and intermediary service organizations (ISOs). In particular, Chapters III, V, and VI, taken together, constitute an informal manual of advice from which State program administrators can design optimal CD-PAS programs using ISOs which are based on sound, regulatory principles and well-drafted contracts. Overall, this final report assists State program administrators in designing CD-PAS programs with ISOs that: (a) comply with applicable Federal tax and labor laws; (b) make available supportive services that some consumers may want or need; and (c) allow for the application and enforcement of any limitation or restrictions on consumer direction that may be required by State laws and regulations. This report also has an available Appendices. [93 PDF pages]
Consumer-Directed Personal Assistance Services: Key Operational Issues for State CD-PAS Programs Using Intermediary Service Organizations
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