Monday, April 29, 2019
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Person-Centered Thinking, Planning, and Practice
Shawn Terrell, ACL
- Person (and Family)-Centered Thinking, Planning, Practice
- NCAPPS Overview and Components
- National Quality Forum: Person-Centered Planning
Person Centered Thinking, Planning, and Practice is the foundation of HCBS
What is person-centered thinking, planning, and practice?
- Person-centered thinking
- A foundational principle requiring consistency in language, values, and actions
- The person and their loved ones are experts in their own lives
- Equal emphasis on quality of life, well-being, and informed choice
- Person-centered planning
- A methodology that identifies and addresses the preferences and interests for a desired life and the supports (paid and unpaid) to achieve it
- Directed by the person, supported by others selected by the person
- Person-centered practices
- Alignment of services and systems to ensure the person has access to the full benefits of community living
- Service delivery that facilitates the achievement of the person's desired outcomes
Interactions: Person-Centered Planning, Assessments, Service Authorizations, Forms/Tools
- Distinct functions that are often conflated in practice
- Person centered planning: driven by the person and reflects his/her perspective and preferences
- Assessments: judgments made by professionals (e.g. diagnosis, functioning, service needs)
- Service Authorizations: the final determination of what services are provided for what purpose
- Form/Tools: Implemented effectively by those with the skills and knowledge to use them.
Current State of Practice
- Several states have committed, ongoing emphasis on person-centered planning in part or all of their HCBS programs.
- Most states have very small commitments
- Large state demand for technical assistance
- No consensus on practice standards or systems design requirements
- Little end user awareness of what to expect
- Little research on best practices, KSAs, systems design.
Status Quo Prevails
- People are often left with someone else's plan:
- Doing things they don't want to do
- With people they don't want to be with
- In places they don't want to be
ACL Vision for Person-Centered Systems
- People know what to expect
- Competent planning facilitation
- Systems deliver services and supports in a manner consistent with person-centered values
- Quality measures are developed and implemented for process fidelity, experience, and outcomes based on each person's preferences and goals.
- Principles of continuous learning are applied throughout the system.
- Formalized and ongoing partnerships with people with disabilities and older adults in designing and implementing person-centered thinking, planning, and practices in systems.
Addressing the Challenges
- National Center on Advancing Person-Centered Systems and Practices
- National Quality Forum: Person-Centered Planning Project
The National Center on Advancing Person-Centered Practices and Systems
NCAPPS Goals and Priorities
- NCAPPS Goal: Promote systems change that makes person-centered principles not just an aspiration but a reality in the lives of people across the lifespan
- Key Priorities:
- Participant and family engagement
- Cultural and linguistic competence
- Cross-system collaboration
...transforming how we think, plan, and practice
NCAPPS is for...
- States, Tribes, and Territories
- Systems for people with disabilities and older adults with long-term service and support needs, including
- Brain injury
- Intellectual and developmental disabilities
- Aging and disability
- Behavioral health
- Systems for people with disabilities and older adults with long-term service and support needs, including
Person-Centered Advisory and Leadership Group (PAL-Group)
- Majority are people with direct lived experience of navigating HCBS systems
- Building membership now with strong focus on diversity of perspectives, experiences, and backgrounds
- Promotes and actualizes participant engagement in all NCAPPS components and activities
- Meets twice per year with additional ad hoc meetings and communications
- As subject matter experts, members will contribute to webinars, resource development
National Organization Partners
- National Association of State Head Injury Administrators (NASHIA)
- National Association of States United for Aging and Disabilities (NASUAD)
- National Association of State Directors of Developmental Disabilities Services (NASDDDS)
- National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors (NASMHPD)
- National Association of County Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities Directors (NACBHDD)
- National Association of Medicaid Directors (NAMD)
NCAPPS Website
Our Website: |
NCAPPS Resources
- Resources on
- Education and Awareness
- Technical Assistance and Training
- Policy and Research
- Quality and Service Delivery
- Resources such as
- published articles and reports
- practical tools and frameworks
- recorded webinars and slides
- validated scales and measures
- person-centered planning resources
- links to partner orgs and related initiatives
- federal guidance on person-centered thinking, planning, and practice
NCAPPS Webinars
- Delivered by national experts
- Coordinated and hosted by HSRI
- Free and open to the public
- Topics derived from technical assistance, Learning Collaboratives, and priorities identified by the PAL-Group
Listserv and Communications
- Central mailing list to share NCAPPS news and resources
- Subscribe by sending an email to
- Working on developing a social media presence
Technical Assistance
- Goal: Support systems change efforts so the participant and family are at the center of thinking, planning, and practice
- 15 States, Tribes, or Territories each year
- Up to 100 hours per year for three years
- Delivered by national experts based on a detailed technical assistance plan
Learning Collaboratives
- Goal: Promote peer-to-peer learning
- Structured group work
- Topic-specific, for example
- Expanding expectations of person-centered practices through participant and family engagement
- Cultural and linguistic considerations
- Aligning financing to support delivery of person-centered supports
- Membership open to technical assistance recipients and other system stakeholders with expressed interest
National Quality Forum: Person-Centered Planning and Practice project
Background: 2014-2016 NQF HCBS Quality Project
- HHS awarded a Task Order to NQF to convene a multi-stakeholder Committee
- Identify HCBS measurement gaps
- Prioritize measurement opportunities
- The final report identified 11 domains for measure development, including person-centered planning and practice.
NQF Person-Centered Planning Project
- Refine the current definition(s) for PCP;
- Develop a set of core competencies for performing PCP facilitation;
- Make recommendations to HHS on systems characteristics that support person-centered thinking, planning, and practice;
- Develop a conceptual framework for PCP measurement; and
- Conduct an environmental scan including the historical development of person-centered planning in LTSS systems to include a research agenda for future PCP research
- 25 person multistakeholder committee
- 8 web meetings starting May 2019 through June 2020