The U.S. supply chain for prescription drugs is highly complex, involving several intermediaries between drug manufacturers and patients. This analysis estimates the percentages of drug expenditures that are allocated to each stakeholder in the supply chain, including manufacturers.
Price Transparency
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Generic Drug Utilization and Spending Among Medicare Part D Enrollees in 2022
In 2022, 43.3 million Medicare Part D enrollees (82 percent) filled 1.1 billion prescriptions for generic prescription drugs. While most enrollees filled at least one prescription for $2 or less, most (54 percent) paid more than $2 for at least one generic drug. Over 6 million enrollees filled at least one prescription for over $20.
ASPE Issue Brief
Changes in the List Prices of Prescription Drugs, 2017-2023
Drug manufacturers may change the list prices of their drugs at any time after launch. Over the period from January 2022 to January 2023, more than 4,200 drug products had price increases, of which 46 percent were larger than the rate of inflation. The average drug price increase over the course of the period was 15.2 percent, which translates to $590 per drug product.
ASPE Issue Brief
Trends in Prescription Drug Spending, 2016-2021
High prescription drug costs are a leading concern among Americans. Americans pay higher prices for prescription drugs than any other country in the world, with prescription drug prices in the U.S. more than 2.5 times as high as those in other similar high-income nations.
International Prescription Drug Price Comparisons: Current Empirical Estimates and Comparisons with Previous Studies
Key FindingsPolicy discussion surrounding U.S. prescription drug prices focuses on whether prices in the United States are too high or appropriate relative to the benefits that they offer to patients.
Linking State Health Care Data to Inform Policymaking: Opportunities and Challenges
This posting includes a report prepared by the RAND Corporation, “State All Payer Claims Databases Understanding the Current Landscape and Challenges to Use,” which builds on a 2021 report “The History, Promise and Challenges of State All Payer Claims Databases.” The new report provides additional detail on the objectives of and use cases for APCDs, the current APCD landscape, and implementatio
A Framework for Evaluating Quality Transparency Initiatives in Health Care
To date a number of private and public sector initiatives have commenced that rely on value-driven principles for the delivery of health care services. Given the variation that may exist across these initiatives it is important to have a good structure for examining and evaluating their implementation and overall effectiveness.
A Framework for Evaluating Price Transparency Initiatives in Health Care
To date a number of private and public sector initiatives have commenced that rely on value-driven principles for the delivery of health care services. Given the variation that may exist across these initiatives it is important to have a good structure for examining and evaluating their implementation and overall effectiveness.
Understanding Variations in International Drug Prices
Rapidly rising prescription drug prices have caused many consumers, third-party payers, and policymakers to look for ways to lower their drug costs. One strategy that many have seen as a potential solution is to import drug products from countries where drug prices are lower than those in the United States commonly called reimportation.