Por: Ashley Henderson, Wilma Robinson, y Kenneth Finegold, ASPE
Health Policy
Displaying 51 - 60 of 72. 10 per page. Page 6.
Advanced SearchASPE Issue Brief, Report
The Cost of Covering Contraceptives through Health Insurance
This brief reviews the literature on the cost of contraceptive coverage in private and public health insurance programs. This brief was written by John Bertko, F.S.A., M.A.A.A., Director of Special Initiatives and Pricing in the Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services; Sherry Glied, Ph.D., Assistant
ASPE Issue Brief, Report
One Million Young Adults Gain Health Insurance in 2011 Because of the Affordable Care Act
New results released September 21, 2011, by the National Center for Health Statistics show that the dependent-coverage provision of the Affordable Care Act has had a significant impact on improving insurance coverage among young adults.
Report to Congress
Report to Congress on a Study of the Large Group Market
A report to Congress on a study of the large group market for health insurance required by section 1254 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.
Environmental Scan
Policy Research for Front of Package Nutrition Labeling: Environmental Scan and Literature Review
Policy Research for Front of Package Nutrition Labeling: Environmental Scan and Literature Review Final Report February 2011 Contract No. HHSP23320095651WC
Substitutability Across Institutional Post-Acute Care Settings: 1998-2006
This report examines trends in the provision of post-acute care to beneficiaries with diagnoses indicating a need for complex medical care for the years 1998-2006, with special attention to changes in care provided by long-term care hospitals and hospital-based skilled nursing facilities.
Payment for Medicare Advantage Plans: Policy Issues and Options
Medicare Advantage (MA) is the current program under which beneficiaries can enroll in private health plans rather than having their care covered through Medicare's traditional fee for service (FFS) program. Payments to MA plans in many areas are now substantially greater than the cost of treating comparable beneficiaries in the traditional program.
The Regulation of the Individual Health Insurance Market
IntroductionAlthough the majority of Americans with health insurance obtain their coverage through group health plans offered through their employers, many individuals obtain their coverage through the nongroup (or individual) insurance market.