Child Welfare Privatization Initiatives Assessing Their Implications for the Child Welfare Field and for Federal Child Welfare Programs Program and Fiscal Design Elements of Child Welfare Privatization Initiatives Topical Paper #2 December 2007
Child Maltreatment
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Child Welfare Privatization Initiatives Assessing Their Implications for the Child Welfare Field and for Federal Child Welfare Programs Assessing Site Readiness: Considerations about Transitioning to a Privatized Child Welfare System Topical Paper #1 September 2007
Developmental Problems of Maltreated Children and Early Intervention Options for Maltreated Children
This report describes the most common problems that maltreated infants and toddlers experience and highlights the benefits of early interventions for this population. In so doing, child welfare personnel and policymakers who are responsible for assessing, referring, and advocating for maltreated children can make more informed decisions. The report is divided into two parts.
What About the Dads? Child Welfare Agencies' Efforts to Identify, Locate, and Involve Nonresident Fathers
Contents Methodology Description of Nonresident Fathers of Foster Children Findings on Identifying Nonresident Fathers Findings on Locating and Contacting Nonresident Fathers Findings on Father Involvement
Research Brief
Rereporting and Recurrence of Child Maltreatment: Findings from NCANDS: Research Brief
Rereporting and Recurrence of Child Maltreatment: Findings from NCANDS
Most children who are subjects of a report of maltreatment to the State or local child protective services (CPS) agency are involved just once with CPS during their lives. Other children are referred more than once and their referrals result in repeated investigations or assessments (rereporting). Some of these children are found to have been revictimized (recurrence).
Alternative Responses to Child Maltreatment: Findings from NCANDS
Child protective services (CPS) agencies face a large volume of reports, increasingly complex cases, and strained resources. Because of their belief that many CPS reports do not require a traditional investigative response, some States have developed practices and policies to differentiate how cases are handled.
Male Perpetrators of Child Maltreatment: Findings from NCANDS
Contents What are the characteristics of male perpetrators of child maltreatment? What specific patterns of child maltreatment are associated with male perpetrators? What outcomes are associated with male perpetrators of child maltreatment? How does th