U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Research on Successful Families Maria Krysan, Kristin A. Moore and Nicholas Zill Child Trends May 10, 1990 PDF Version
Marriage & Family Issues
Displaying 101 - 103 of 103. 10 per page. Page 11.
Advanced SearchChanges in Marriage and Fertility Behavior: Behavior Versus Attitudes of Young Adults
This report examines a variety of data regarding current trends in adolescents' sexual, fertility, and marital behavior and discusses evidence regarding the permanence of these trends. Behavioral data are compared with attitudinal measures to conclude that there are significant differences between the conduct and values of young adults.
A Synthesis of Research on Child Care Utilization Patterns
This paper synthesizes findings on current and future trends in child care usage patterns among employed mothers of preschoolers (less than 6 years old).