By The Lewin Group ForThe Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, Office of Health Policy, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Child Welfare
Displaying 221 - 230 of 255. 10 per page. Page 23.
Advanced SearchExamining Substitution: State Strategies to Limit "Crowd Out" in the Era of Children's Health Insurance Expansions
By Anna Fallieras, Mary Jo O'Brien, Susanna Ginsburg, and Amy Westpfahl of the The Lewin Group for Office of Health Policy of the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, December 9, 1997. The Project Officers for ASPE were Cheryl Austein and Caroline Taplin
1997 Chartbook on Childrens' Insurance Status
PrefaceThis chartbook examines demographic and other characteristics of insured and uninsured children in the U.S. It is based on data from the March 1997 Current Population Survey (CPS) and reflects children’s insurance status during calendar year 1996. For the purposes of this chartbook, the term “children” applies to all U.S. citizens and non-citizen residents under age 18.
Formal and Informal Kinship Care
By Allen W. Harden of the Chapin Hall Center for Children at the University of Chicago and Rebecca L. Clark and Karen Maguire of The Urban Institute for the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, June 20, 1997.
Iowa's Limited Benefit Plan
Authors: Thomas M. Fraker Lucia A. Nixon Jan L. Losby Carol S. Prindle John F. Else Submitted to: Iowa Department of Human Services Division of Economic Assistance