The Teen Pregnancy Prevention (TPP) Replication Study is evaluating three replications of three evidence-based program models, for a total of nine sites funded through the Office of Adolescent Health (OAH) Teen Pregnancy Prevention (TPP) program. The purpose of the study is to test whether three program models previously shown to be effective in a single study continue to demonstrate effectiveness when implemented with fidelity across different settings and populations. The study is conducted by Abt Associates and is managed by the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) in partnership with OAH.
Study Overview and Baseline Profiles (2015)
The Overview of the Teen Pregnancy Prevention Replication Study provides a summary of the study design and the Baseline Site Profiles provide a summary of each of the nine grantees participating in the study. The Baseline Site Profiles provide a snapshot of the implementation of the program model and characteristics of the study sample from the baseline survey when participants were enrolled in the study. The profiles highlight demographic information, sexual behavior, and other risky behavior such as smoking, drinking, and marijuana use for study participants at baseline.
- Teen Pregnancy Prevention Replication Study Overview
- 9 Baseline site profiles
- BFL Profile (Reducing the Risk program)
- LifeWorks Profile (Reducing the Risk program)
- SDYS Profile (Reducing the Risk program)
- CAPSLO Profile (¡Cuidate! program)
- LAH Profile (¡Cuidate! program)
- Touchstone Profile (¡Cuidate! program)
- HC Profile (Safer Sex program)
- KCHD Profile (Safer Sex program)
- PPGO Profile (Safer Sex program)
Study Impact Findings
The release of full impact findings from the Teen Pregnancy Prevention Replication study includes a set of three reports and accompanying research briefs that describe the short-term and longer-term impacts of three teen pregnancy prevention program models on adolescent sexual behavior as well as on cognitive and psychological aspects of adolescent functioning that might influence that behavior. There is an evaluation report and research brief for each program model evaluated: ¡Cuídate!, Reducing the Risk, and Safer Sex.
- Full Impact Findings
The first release of findings from the Teen Pregnancy Prevention Replication study includes a set of three reports and accompanying research briefs that describe the short-term, interim impacts on adolescent sexual behavior as well as on cognitive and psychological aspects of adolescent functioning that might influence that behavior. There is an evaluation report and research brief for each program model evaluated: ¡Cuídate!, Reducing the Risk, and Safer Sex. A subsequent set of reports will present findings on the implementation of the program models, and a final set of reports will present findings on the longer-term impact of each of the three program models.
- Interim Short-Term Impact Findings
Study Implementation Findings (2019)
The implementation study findings are documented in a set of three reports and accompanying report summaries that: 1) describe how the replications were implemented, the contexts in which they were implemented, and the implementation challenges encountered; 2) examine the extent to which program models were replicated with fidelity and met quality and performance standards; and 3) identify lessons for future implementation efforts. There is an implementation report and report summary for each program model evaluated: ¡Cuídate!,Reducing the Risk, and Safer Sex. A set of reports and briefs published in 2016 and 2018 describe the short-term and longer-term impacts on adolescent sexual behavior as well as on cognitive and psychological aspects of adolescent functioning that might influence that behavior.
- Report Summary: Implementing the ¡Cuídate! Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program
- Implementation Findings of the ¡Cuídate! Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program
Reducing the Risk
- Report Summary: Implementing the Reducing the Risk Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program
- Implementation Findings of the Reducing the Risk Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program
Safer Sex Intervention
Design Reports (2015)
The two TPP Replication Study Design reports provide detailed information about the study design, methodology and proposed analyses. The Impact Design report describes the experimental study design and methods for the impact study and the Implementation Study Design report describes the methods for the study examining the implementation of the intervention at each study site.