by Robert G. Wood and John Burghardt Mathematica Policy Research, Inc. for the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation
Displaying 171 - 180 of 191. 10 per page. Page 18.
Advanced SearchImplementing Welfare Reform Requirements for Teenage Parents: Lessons from Experience in Four States
A National Strategy to Prevent Teen Pregnancy
Despite the recent decline in the teen birth rate, teen pregnancy remains a significant problem in this country. Most teen pregnancies are unintended. Each year, about 200,000 teens aged 17 and younger have children. Their babies are often low birth weight and have disproportionately high infant mortality rates. They are also far more likely to be poor.
Adolescent Time Use, Risky Behavior and Outcomes: An Analysis of National Data
Adolescent Time Use, Risky Behavior and Outcomes: An Analysis of National Data Nicholas Zill, Christine Winquist Nord, and Laura Spencer Loomis Westat, Inc. September 11, 1995 For the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Sources of Support for Young Latina Mothers
SOURCES OF SUPPORT FOR YOUNG LATINA MOTHERS Joan R. Kahn and Rosalind E. Berkowitz The Urban Institute August 16, 1995
Beginning Too Soon: Adolescent Sexual Behavior, Pregnancy and Parenthood. A Review of Research and Interventions.
by: Kristin A. Moore, Brent C. Miller, Barbara W. Sugland, Donna Ruane Morrison, Dana A. Glei, Connie Blumenthal,
Costs of Mandatory Education and Training Programs for Teenage Parents on Welfare: Lessons from the Teenage Parent Demonstration
Submitted to: U.S. Department of Health and Human ServicesAssistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) Rm. 404E, HHH Bldg. 200 Independence Ave., SW
Building Self-Sufficiency Among Welfare-Dependent Teenage Parents: Lessons from the Teenage Parent Demonstration
By Rebecca Maynard The Teenage Parent Demonstration (TPD) was a major, large-scale, federal demonstration initiative sponsored by the U.S.