The TRIM microsimulation model produces a baseline of Medicaid and SCHIP eligibility and enrollment using adjustments that correct for the undercount in program participation on the Current Population Survey (CPS). This report presents a detailed explanation of the TRIM mmethodology.
Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP)
Displaying 51 - 60 of 85. 10 per page. Page 6.
Advanced SearchTRIM3's 2001 Baseline Simulation of the Medicaid and SCHIP Eligibility and Enrollment: Methods and Results,
TRIM3's 2001 Baseline Simulation of Medicaid and SCHIP Eligibility and Enrollment: Methods and Results TRIM3 Microsimulation Project Technical Paper April 2005 By: Linda Giannarelli, Paul Johnson, Sandi Nelson, and Meghan Williamson Urban Institute
Federal Medical Assistance Percentages (FMAP), Fiscal Year 2006
Federal Financial Participation in State Assistance Expenditures, FY 2006 [Federal Register: November 24, 2004 (Volume 69, Number 226)][Notices][Pages 68370-68373]From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [][DOCID:fr24no04-84] DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Office of the Secretary
Understanding Estimates of the Uninsured: Putting the Differences in Context
Understanding Estimates of the Uninsured: Putting the Differences in Context ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: ASPE would like to thank those reviewers at the U.S.
Federal Medical Assistance Percentages (FMAP), Fiscal Year 2005
Federal Financial Participation in State Assistance Expenditures; Federal Matching Shares for Medicaid, the State Children's Health Insurance Program, and Aid to Needy Aged, Blind, or Disabled Persons for October 1, 2004 Through September 30, 2005 [Federal Register: December 3, 2003 (Volume 68, Number 232)]
State Practices in Medical Child Support Cross-Program Coordination
State Practices in Medical Child Support Cross-Program Coordination Prepared by : Lynne Fender, Jen Bernstein (The Urban Institute) for :Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation Office of the SecretaryU.S. Department of Health and Human Services June 2003
Congressionally Mandated Evaluation of the State Children's Health Insurance Program
In 1997, Congress passed legislation creating the State Childrens Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), the first major federally funded health program to be established since Medicare and Medicaid were enacted in 1965.