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Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP)


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ASPE Issue Brief

How States can Implement the Standardized Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI) Conversion Methodology from State Medicaid and CHIP Data

This document explains various considerations for states deciding between SIPP and state administrative data, how to use the eligibility templates provided by CMS for the MAGI-based eligibility conversion process, and the steps that states wishing to perform the conversions using state Medicaid and CHIP data will need to follow.
ASPE Issue Brief

How States can Implement the Standardized Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI) Conversion Methodology from State Medicaid and CHIP Data

This document explains various considerations for states deciding between SIPP and state administrative data, how to use the eligibility templates provided by CMS for the MAGI-based eligibility conversion process, and the steps that states wishing to perform the conversions using state Medicaid and CHIP data will need to follow.

CHIPRA Mandated Evaluation of Express Lane Eligibility: First Year Findings

This evaluation describes existing state Express Lane Eligibility (ELE) programs including the administrative costs and ELE enrollment trends, estimates the impact of ELE adoption on total enrollment, and previews the issues that will be examined through future evaluation activities.

Medicaid and CHIP Risk-Based Managed Care in 20 States

This review of Medicaid and CHIP risk-based managed care over 2001-2010 shows that well-established programs exist in 19 of the 20 study states. While there is substantial variation across states, all the study states have developed ways to regularly select plans, define network requirements, and monitor access and quality. There is substantial stability in the number and types of plans.

Overview of Immigrants' Eligibility for SNAP, TANF, Medicaid, and CHIP

This brief describes key federal and state immigrant eligibility provisions to help inform policymakers, program administrators and communities serving immigrant families and children. It provides an overview of the variability across states regarding immigrant eligibility for SNAP, TANF, Medicaid, and CHIP. [12 PDF pages]
Program Evaluation

Children's Health Insurance Program: An Evaluation (1997 - 2010)

By: Sheila Hoag, Mary Harrington, Cara Orfield, Victoria Peebles, Kimberly Smith, Adam Swinburn, Matthew Hodges, Kenneth Finegold, ASPE, Sean Orzol, Wilma Robinson, ASPE Submitted by: Mathematica Policy Research, Inc. Project Director: Mary Harrington, Mathematica

Web-based Screeners and Applications: Potential Tools for Improving Benefit Access and Program Efficiency

By: Emily Sama-Miller and Jacqueline Kauff Mathematica Policy Research