This report is the second of two reports to Congress from HHS' congressionally mandated evaluation of the US Dept. of Labor's Welfare-to-Work (WtW) Grants Program. The report presents findings from the outcomes analysis component of the evaluation, and describes the characteristics and subsequent experiences of enrollees in WtW programs in 11 study sites.
Age, Gender & Gender Identities
Displaying 711 - 720 of 1029. 10 per page. Page 72.
Advanced SearchServing TANF and Low-Income Populations through WIA One-Stop Centers
National welfare reform legislation in 1996 created the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Program, which imposed time limits on cash assistance receipt and broadened and strengthened mandates for clients to work or engage in work-related activities.
State-Funded Pre-Kindergarten: What the Evidence Shows
This paper examines the role that states play in providing early childhood education. It reviews evidence on states’ level of support for pre-kindergarten programs, the quality and effectiveness of state-funded pre-kindergarten, and state efforts to build integrated, comprehensive, early childhood systems for children from birth through age five that have a focus on school readiness.
Using Medicaid to Cover Services for Elderly Persons in Residential Care Settings: State Policy Maker and Stakeholder Views in Six States
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Using Medicaid to Cover Services for Elderly Persons in Residential Care Settings: State Policy Maker and Stakeholder Views in Six States
Executive Summary
Giving Noncustodial Parents Options: Employment and Child Support Outcomes of the SHARE Program
In recent years, policymakers and program administrators have increasingly focused on the role of noncustodial parents (NCPs) in the lives of low-income families.
Study of the District of Columbia's TANF Caseload
This report presents results from an in-depth study of DC's TANF recipients. The study addresses the status of TANF recipients in 2002 and challenges to work that they may face. DC surveyed a representative sample of single-parent TANF caseheads who were on the TANF rolls in August 2002.
A Compendium of Intervention and Descriptive Studies Designed to Promote the Health of Caregivers for Older Adults
An important component of the ASPE Health (Promotion and Aging Project is the development of such an inventory of health promotion, disease prevention, and health education activities targeted at informal caregivers for HHS.
Operating TANF: Opportunities and Challenges for Tribes and Tribal Consortia
This report, fromf HHS' congressionally mandated evaluation of DOL's Welfare-to-Work Grants Program, describes the challenges and successes of ten tribal grantees in planning, implementing, and operating tribal TANF, the tribal welfare program with the most participants and the largest budget.