Kate Stewart, Dana Petersen, Joe Zickafoose, Beny Wu, Mynti Hossain, Lisa Schottenfeld, Caroline Massad Francis, Randall Brown and Henry Ireys Mathematica Policy Research
Age, Gender & Gender Identities
Displaying 441 - 450 of 1028. 10 per page. Page 45.
Advanced SearchParent Perspectives on Care Received at Patient-Centered Medical Homes for Their Children with Special Health Care Needs - Executive Summary
Dana Petersen, Lisa Schottenfeld, Caroline Massad Francis, Henry Ireys and Joseph Zickafoose Mathematica Policy Research January 2014
Literature Review
Evaluating PACE: A Review of the Literature - Executive Summary
Arkadipta Ghosh, Cara Orfield and Robert Schmitz Mathematica Policy Research January 2014
Literature Review
Evaluating PACE: A Review of the Literature
This report reviewed the literature on the effect of the Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) on Medicare and Medicaid expenditures, use of nursing home services, and mortality. PACE plans provide coordinated acute and long-term care services to nursing home eligible seniors residing in the community. [77 PDF pages] ASPE SEARCH INFORMATION
America's Children in Poverty: A New Look at Who's Poor Under the Supplemental Poverty Measure
This research brief examines child poverty in 2010 using both the official poverty measure that the Census Bureau has been using since the 1960s and the more recent Research Supplemental Poverty Measure (SPM).
Care Coordination for People With Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias
This report summarizes the research literature on care coordination for people with Alzheimer’s disease, with a particular focus on programs that coordinate both medical care and long-term services and supports. Overall, there is limited evidence of the effectiveness of these programs in improving patient outcomes or reducing health care utilization.