This research was designed to answer current questions surrounding long-term care insurance. It was also designed to provide basic sociodemographic and service utilization profiles for disabled private long-term care insurance policyholders, and to compare such data and findings to the experiences of non-insured disabled community-dwelling elders. Finally, the authors set out to discuss the implications of such findings on the service delivery system as well as on the design of private and public long-term care programs and policies. This was done by interviewing about 700 community-dwelling long-term care insurance claimants receiving benefits under their policies. Also interviewed were their informal caregivers. [67 PDF pages]
A Descriptive Analysis of Patterns of Informal and Formal Caregiving among Privately Insured and Non-Privately Insured Disabled Elders Living in the Community
Publication Date
ifpattrn.pdf (pdf, 2.65 MB)
Private Long-Term Care Insurance
| Long-Term Services & Supports (LTSS)
| Home- & Community-Based Services (HCBS)
| Health Insurance
| Caregiving, Formal & Informal
Product Type
People with Disabilities
| Older Adults