Monday, January 28, 2019
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Recommendations and National Plan Update: Timeline and Focus for 2019
Recommendations of Non-Federal Members
- Developed by subcommittees
- Approved by non-federal members
- Inform the work of the agencies around the table
- Shared with HHS leadership through clearance process
- Shared with Congress
Recommendations Timeline
- Spring/Summer 2019: Subcommittees meet and write recommendations
- July 2019: Present recommendations and vote
National Plan Timeline
- Late 2018: Federal members review 2018 recommendations and plan to incorporate into 2019 Update
- Spring/Summer 2019: Subcommittees meet and write recommendations
- Federal subcommittee members identify major themes and interests and incorporate into the work they are planning for 2019/2020
- July 2019: Present recommendations and vote
- Call for new actions to 2019 Plan Update
- October 2019: National Plan 2019 Update released
- Roughly halfway to 2025
- What have we accomplished in the last 7 years?
- What has been the impact of NAPA?
- No recommendations for Goal 5: Improve Data to Track Progress in 2018; one recommendation on CMS reporting data in 2017
Proposal for 2019/2020 Themes
- 2019: Where have we been and what have we accomplished so far?
- 2020: What strategic steps do we need to take to meet our 2025 goals?
Process for 2019 Recommendations
- Incorporate into every meeting
- Federal members agree to identify data sources and measures from their areas and programs?
- Goal-by-goal?
- Subcommittee? Or outside group?
- Focus additional recommendations in 2019 on measuring progress
Begin to think about 2020...
- Targeted actions
- Targeted investments
- Moonshots