Monday, January 28, 2019
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Decadal Survey of Behavioral and Social Science Research on Alzheimer's Disease and Alzheimer's Disease-Related Dementias
Elena Fazio, Ph.D.
Division of Behavioral and Social Research
National Institute on Aging (NIA)
What is a Decadal Survey?
- A special method for engaging members of the research community to identify lines of research with the greatest potential for impact over a 10-year period in the pursuit of a particular goal.
- The National Academies pioneered this approach in 1964. It is a highly-regarded approach, which is sparingly used. Fewer than two dozen such surveys have been conducted, most of which are in the physical sciences (e.g. astronomy).
These surveys have four distinguishing characteristics
- designed as community-led consensus assessments of the field to identify and, when needed, prioritize science questions and goals;
- provide a forum to address elements necessary to support the field (e.g., advanced technology, infrastructure, interagency coordination, education, or international cooperation);
- involve significant, coordinated community outreach and community input efforts to foster broad community involvement, and
- are expected to provide recommendations for programmatic directions.
Unique features of this Decadal Survey
- AHRQ/NASEM Care Interventions for Individuals with Dementia and Their Caregivers: Reviewing the Evidence looks at care/caregiver interventions. This Decadal survey goes beyond interventions.
- Dementia Care and Caregiver Summits focus on care/caregiving, this Decadal survey goes beyond care.
- This Decadal Survey addresses a broader range of AD/ADRD topics. Focuses on all behavioral and social science research in AD/ADRD.
- NIA is a Phase I sponsor. Several additional sponsors have been identified; both federal and non-federal.
Behavioral and Social Research on AD/ADRD
- Prevention
- Interventions on behavioral risk factors and to prevent decline
- Cognitive training
- Early Psychological Changes
- Early detection of cognitive decline
- Affective and social function
- Decision-making
- Behavioral and Social Pathways
- Educational attainment
- Personality
- Social engagement
- Research Resources
- Data infrastructure
- Data sharing
- Networks
- Disparities
- Disparities based on factors such as race, ethnicity, gender, SES, and geographic region
- Cognitive & Dementia Epidemiology
- Cross-national comparisons
- Prevalence, incidence, burden of illness
- Trajectories of cognitive aging and decline
- Caregiver Research
- Non-pharmacological interventions
- Caregiver burden
- Economics of caregiving
- Dementia Care
- Non-pharmacological interventions
- Demography and economics of care
- Health services research
Decadal Survey Timeline
- Phase I
- Website to collect input for the Decadal Survey
- Committee member recruitment
- Committee meetings and 2 workshops
- End Dec 2020
- Phase II
- Website continues
- 3rd and 4th workshops
- Consensus report (Spring 2021)
For more information about the Decadal Survey, contact:
Barbara A. Wanchisen, PhD
Director, Board on Behavioral, Cognitive, and Sensory Sciences
Coming soon!
When available, look to NAPA listserv for Decadal Survey website address