This policy brief is one of six commissioned by HHS/ASPE on Medicaid eligibility policies for long-term care benefits. This brief summarizes the estate recovery mandate, discusses variations in mechanisms employed by states to implement the mandate, and presents a state-by-state analysis of collections from 2002 through 2004. [13 PDF pages]
Displaying 211 - 220 of 302. 10 per page. Page 22.
Advanced SearchCoordinating Care in the Fee-for-Service System for Medicaid Beneficiaries with Chronic Conditions
This report describes a range of approaches state Medicaid agencies use to coordinate health services and to coordinate long-term care services with health services for beneficiaries with chronic conditions. It then describes in detail two innovative programs: Georgia's SOURCE program and the Indiana Chronic Disease Management Program. [66 PDF pages]
Long-Term Growth of Medical Expenditures - Public and Private
ASPE ISSUE BRIEF Long-Term Growth of Medical Expenditures Public and Private May 2005 Printer Friendly Version in PDF Format
The Effect of Cash and Counseling on Medicaid and Medicare Costs: Findings for Adults in Three States
Recent research suggests that Florida's Cash and Counseling model-Consumer Directed Care (CDC)-increased the well-being of children with disabilities and their parents in Florida and that the Cash and Counseling programs in Arkansas, Florida, and New Jersey similarly increased the well-being of adults.
Medicaid Liens and Estate Recovery in Massachusetts
This policy brief is one of six commissioned by HHS/ASPE on Medicaid eligibility policies for long-term care benefits. This brief describes the procedures used by the state of Massachusetts in the administration of its Medicaid Estate Recovery program, with a focus on the procedures used by the state in imposing Medicaid liens on real property. [31 PDF pages]
Spouses of Medicaid Long-Term Care Recipients
This policy brief is one of five commissioned by HHS/ASPE on Medicaid eligibility policies for long-term care benefits. This brief outlines the Medicaid rules that affect community spouses of nursing home residents and widows or widowers of deceased nursing home residents. [12 PDF pages]
Medicaid Treatment of the Home: Determining Eligibility and Repayment for Long-Term Care
This policy brief is one of five commissioned by HHS/ASPE on Medicaid eligibility policies for long-term care benefits. This brief provides a synopsis of how the home is treated in determining Medicaid eligibility for recipients of long-term care services and the circumstances under which Medicaid may recover spending no behalf of the recipient from equity held in real property.
TRIM3's 2001 Baseline Simulation of the Medicaid and SCHIP Eligibility and Enrollment: Methods and Results,
TRIM3's 2001 Baseline Simulation of Medicaid and SCHIP Eligibility and Enrollment: Methods and Results TRIM3 Microsimulation Project Technical Paper April 2005 By: Linda Giannarelli, Paul Johnson, Sandi Nelson, and Meghan Williamson Urban Institute
Medicaid Estate Recovery
This policy brief is one of six commissioned by HHS/ASPE on Medicaid eligibility policies for long-term care benefits. This brief provides an overview of state Medicaid Estate Recovery programs, which enable states to recoup public spending for Medicaid long-term care recipients from the estates of those recipients after their death. [12 PDF pages]
Medicaid Liens
This policy brief is one of six commissioned by HHS/ASPE on Medicaid eligibility policies for long-term care benefits. This brief presents the fundamentals of Medicaid liens what they are, why they are permitted, and how they are applied by state Medicaid programs.