Search Results for "poverty guidelines"
Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 results. 20 results shown per page. Page 1 of 1.
Case Studies in Supporting Prevention through Human Services Program Integration
Publication Date
The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has been working with researchers, human services agency leaders, and persons with lived experience to visualize, describe, and document models of prevention within human services.
Coordinating Integrated Prevention Approaches to Serve the Whole Person
Publication Date
The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has been working with researchers, human services agency leaders, and persons with lived experience to visualize, describe, and document models of prevention within human services.
A Policy to Provide Child Care Access for All Working Families: Effects on Mothers’ Employment and Caseload
Publication Date
This brief describes the effects of an alternative policy that would expand child care by providing subsidies for children ages three and younger in working families with incomes at or below 200 percent of the federal poverty guidelines.
Homeless Children: Update on Research, Policy, Programs, and Opportunities
Publication Date
Prepared by: Judith Samuels, Ph.D., The Nathan S. Kline Institute for Psychiatric Research and Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, NYU School of Medicine Marybeth Shinn, Ph.D., Department of Human and Organizational Behavior, Peabody College, Vanderbilt University
Cohabitation and Marriage Rules in State TANF Programs
Publication Date
Cohabitation and Marriage Rules in State TANF Programs by: Robert A. Moffitt, Johns Hopkins University Robert T. Reville, RAND Corporation Anne E. Winkler, University of Missouri, St. Louis Jane McClure Burstain, RAND Corporation August, 2008 Revised, February 2009 Presented in Fulfillment of HHS-100-02-001, Task Orders 1 and 2