Search Results for "poverty guidelines"
Displaying 1 - 8 of 8 results. 20 results shown per page. Page 1 of 1.
Children's Interagency Coordinating Council (CICC) FY 2024 Report to Congress
Publication Date
Congress has directed HHS to operate the Children’s Interagency Coordinating Council (CICC). The CICC is charged with fostering greater coordination and transparency on child policy across federal agencies and examining a broad array of cross-cutting issues affecting child poverty and child well-being.
The "Value Added" of Linking Publicly Assisted Housing for Low-Income Older Adults with Enhanced Services: A Literature Syntheses and Environmental Scan
Publication Date
This paper reviews the literature on effectiveness on existing models of affordable housing with health or supportive services. The review found a range of program models, including a variety of types of services, and delivery methods (congregate or scattered-site).
Design of a Demonstration of Coordinated Housing, Health and Long-Term Care Services and Supports for Low-Income Older Adults
Publication Date
This conceptual framework examines the possible ways that housing sites can link health and long-term services and supports, and potential ways that HUD and HHS could design a demonstration of such a model. [31 PDF pages]
Work, Welfare, and the Burden of Disability: Caring for Special Needs of Children in Poor Families
Publication Date
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Maximizing the Value of Philanthropic Efforts through Planned Partnerships between the U.S. Government and Private Foundations
Publication Date
The "Value Added" of Linking Publicly Assisted Housing for Low-Income Older Adults with Enhanced Services: A Literature Syntheses and Environmental Scan
Publication Date
This paper reviews the literature on effectiveness on existing models of affordable housing with health or supportive services. The review found a range of program models, including a variety of types of services, and delivery methods (congregate or scattered-site).
Work, Welfare, and the Burden of Disability: Caring for Special Needs of Children in Poor Families
Publication Date
This paper addresses issues which arise at the juncture of welfare and disability policies. Using preliminary data from a recent survey of current and recent AFDC recipients in California, we find that disabilities and chronic health problems affect the mothers or children in 43% of all households in the AFDC system.