Search Results for "poverty guidelines"
Displaying 101 - 120 of 261 results. 20 results shown per page. Page 6 of 14.
Low-Income Men at the Margins Caught at the Intersection of Race, Place, and Poverty
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Low-Income Men at the Margins Caught at the Intersection of Race, Place, and Poverty
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Participation in the U.S. Social Safety Net: Coverage of Low-income Families, 2018
Publication Date
Participation in the social safety net varies widely across programs—from 15 percent among eligibles for subsidized child care (CCDF) to over 75 percent for Medicaid/CHIP and EITC.
Participation differs by race and ethnicity, yet patterns are not consistent. In general rates differ more across programs than between race-ethnic groups.
Effect of Home Ownership on Poverty Measurement
Publication Date
Assets, Poverty, and Public Policy: Challenges in Definition and Measurement
Publication Date
Poor Finances: Assets and Low-Income Households Assets, Poverty, and Public Policy: Challenges in Definition and Measurement December 2008 By: Yunju Nam, Jin Huang, and Michael Sherraden Center for Social Development Washington University in Saint Louis
Poverty Lines and Measures of Income Inadequacy in the United States Since 1870: Collecting and Using a Little-Known Body of Historical Material
Publication Date
by Gordon M. Fisher
A paper presented October 17, 1997,
at the 22nd Meeting of the Social Science History Association
Washington, D.C.
The views expressed in this paper are those of the author and do not represent the position of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
National Poverty Research Center FY 2007 - Announcement of Award
Publication Date
Announcement of Award of Fiscal Year 2007
Factsheet: Estimates of Child Care Eligibility & Receipt for Fiscal Year 2019
Publication Date
This factsheet provides descriptive information on child care eligibility and receipt. Of the 12.5 million children potentially eligible for child care subsidies under federal rules, 16 percent received subsidies. Of the 8.7 million children eligible for child care subsidies under more restrictive state rules, 23 percent received subsidies.
National and Area Poverty Research Centers, FY 2005: Announcement
Publication Date
Announcement of Award of Fiscal Year 2005
National and Area Poverty Research Centers, FY 2002: Announcement
Publication Date
The Department announced on October 4, 2002, $2.3 million in cooperative agreements to support continued research and evaluation of important and emerging social policy issues associated with the nature, causes, correlates, and effects of income dynamics, poverty, individual and family functioning and child well-being. The grantee for the national center is the University of Michigan.
Relative or Absolute — New Light on the Behavior of Poverty Lines Over Time
Publication Date
Gordon M. Fisher, Department of Health and Human Services
[GSS/SSS Newsletter [Newsletter of the Government Statistics Section and the Social Statistics Section of the American Statistical Association], Summer 1996, pp. 10-12]
Is There Such a Thing as an Absolute Poverty Line Over Time? Evidence from the United States, Britain, Canada, and Australia on the Income Elasticity of the Poverty Line — SUMMARY
Publication Date
Gordon M. Fisher (202) 690-6143 September 1995
Reasons for Measuring Poverty in the United States in the Context of Public Policy — A Historical Review, 1916-1995
Publication Date
The views expressed in this paper are those of the authorand do not represent the position of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. August 1999, revised June 2000
Announcement of the Availability of Funds and Request for Applications for a Cooperative Agreement(s) to Establish a National Poverty Research Center
Publication Date
DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Office of the Secretary Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) This Announcement is CLOSED as of July 16, 2007
Welfare Indicators and Risk Factors, 21st Report to Congress
Publication Date
This report provides welfare dependence indicators through 2019 for most indicators and through 2020 for other indicators, reflecting changes that have taken place since enactment of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PRWORA) in 1996.
The Impact of the First Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Recession on Families With Low Incomes
Publication Date
The COVID-19 crisis has disparately harmed low-income households. Across the United States, systemic inequalities in employment, wage-earning, health, and well-being have been strained for sub-populations facing poverty or near-poverty conditions.
Methods and Emerging Strategies to Engage People with Lived Experience
Publication Date
This brief identifies methods and emerging strategies to engage people with lived experience in federal research, programming, and policymaking. It draws on lessons learned from federal initiatives across a range of human services areas to identify ways that federal staff can meaningfully and effectively engage people with lived experience.Related Products:
From Hunter to Orshansky: An Overview of (Unofficial) Poverty Lines in the United States from 1904 to 1965 — Summary
Publication Date
Gordon M. Fisher
March 1994