The purpose of this document is to help Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) agencies know the full range of programs and services in the Department that currently address the needs of incarcerated individuals and their families and to understand what research and evaluation efforts are underway to identify evidence-based practices. The first section provides an overview of the relevant research on the key human services and health needs of incarcerated and reentering individuals and their families along with illustrative examples from the inventory of current HHS activities addressing these issues. The inventory portion of this document contains information on HHS activities that serve incarcerated and reentering individuals and their families. The activities include programs, demonstration projects, research, and evaluations that were funded and/or operational in FY 2009 and/or FY2010. [126 PDF pages]
Overview and Inventory of HHS Efforts to Assist Incarcerated and Reentering Individuals and their Families
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Family Well-Being
Families with Children