This literature review examines empirical evidence on health care coverage, employment, and public program participation among people with disabilities. The review is part of a larger project investigating the relationship between health care coverage and the employment of people with disabilities contracted for by the Office of Disability, Aging and Long-Term Care Policy, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services with funds provided by the Office of Disability in the Social Security Administration. Other components of the overall project will include analyses of recent national data on employment and health care coverage, analyses of patterns of employment among SSI recipients in the work incentive program that allows health care benefits to continue after earnings are too high for receipt of cash benefits, and patterns of employment in two states where there have been expansions in the Medicaid program. [64 PDF pages]
Exploratory Study of Health Care Coverage and Employment of People with Disabilities: Literature Review
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