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Evaluation and analysis provide essential evidence for HHS to understand how its programs work, for whom, and under what circumstances. HHS builds evidence through evaluation and analysis in order to inform decisions in budget, legislative, regulatory, strategic planning, program, and policy arenas. Given the breadth of work supported by HHS, many evaluations and analyses are conducted each year. These efforts range in scope, scale, design, and methodology, but all aim to understand how the effect of programs and policies and how they can be improved. 

Across HHS, evaluation comes in many forms, including: 

  • Program evaluations using the most rigorous designs appropriate; 
  • Capacity-building initiatives to improve administrative data collection, accessibility, and use for management; 
  • Exploratory and preliminary quantitative and qualitative analysis to build evidence; 
  • Pilots and demonstrations; and 
  • Statistical analysis of factors related to health and human services programs and policies. 

ASPE coordinates the evaluation community by regularly convening the HHS Evaluation & Evidence Policy Council, which builds capacity by sharing best practices and promising new approaches across HHS. 


Displaying 291 - 300 of 384. 10 per page. Page 30.

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Addressing Liability Issues in Consumer-Directed Personal Assistance Services (CDPAS): The National Cash and Counseling Demonstration and Selected Other Models

This report addresses the liability issues that may arise in government-sponsored consumer-directed personal assistance programs (CDPAS).

State Nursing Home Quality Improvement Programs: Site Visit and Synthesis Report

Alan White, Ph.D., Barbara Manard, Ph.D., Deborah Deitz, BSN, Terry Moore, MPH, RN, Donna Hurd, MSN, Christine Landino, MSW, MPH, Jennie Harvell, M.Ed. Abt Associates, Inc.

State Nursing Home Quality Improvement Programs: Site Visit and Synthesis Report

    U.S. Department of Health and Human Services   State Nursing Home Quality Improvement Programs: Site Visit and Synthesis Report Executive Summary

Toward a National Health Information Infrastructure: A Key Strategy for Improving Quality in Long-Term Care

Marcelline R. Harris, RN, Ph.D., Mayo Clinic Christopher G. Chute, MD, Dr.P.H., Mayo Clinic Jennie Harvell, M.Ed., U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Alan White, Ph.D., Abt Associates

Neighborhoods and Health: Building Evidence for Local Policy

By: Kathryn L.S. Pettit, G. Thomas Kingsley, and Claudia J. Coulton With Jessica Cigna Submitted to: The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Addressing the New Health Care Crisis: Reforming the Medical Litigation System to Improve the Quality of Health Care

Many Americans enjoy high quality health care. However, we can do better. A number of efforts are currently being initiated to increase access to care, while enhancing even further the quality of care and constraining cost increases. This report summarizes the current issues surrounding the current medical liability system.

Does Consumer Direction Affect the Quality of Medicaid Personal Assistance in Arkansas?

    U.S. Department of Health and Human Services   Does Consumer Direction Affect the Quality of Medicaid Personal Assistance in Arkansas? Executive Summary

Congressionally Mandated Evaluation of the State Children's Health Insurance Program

In 1997, Congress passed legislation creating the State Childrens Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), the first major federally funded health program to be established since Medicare and Medicaid were enacted in 1965.