ASPE Research Notes are two-page reports designed primarily to provide research information in a form which is useful for policy officials within the Department. They are not a substitute for research articles published in peer-reviewed professional journals, nor for the executive summaries prepared for research and evaluation grants and contracts. Instead, they are internal staff memoranda which highlight significant findings for policy, primarily from in-house research and ASPE-sponsored grant and contract studies (although syntheses of other research are sometimes used). Fifteen ASPE Research Notes have been published and there are several more in preparation.
The ASPE Research Notes articles published so far have been well received within the Department, as well as outside HHS. Although initiated through the Office of Disability, Aging and Long-Term Care Policy, they are written by policy analysts throughout ASPE.
Cost of Teenage Childbearing: Current Trends (August 1992)
Counting Persons in Poverty on the Current Population Survey (August 1998)
Disability Among Children (January 1995)
Eldercare: The Impact of Family Caregivers' Employment on Formal and Informal Helper Hours (August 1995)
Estimating Eligibility for Publicly-Financed Home Care: Not a Simple Task… (April 1992)
Health Insurance in 1994 from the Current Population Survey: Measurement Difficulties (November 1996)
Informal Caregiver "Burnout": Predictors and Prevention (April 1993)
Licensed Board and Care Homes: Preliminary Findings from the 1991 National Health Provider Inventory (May 1993)
March 1992 Current Population Survey Shows Health Insurance Coverage Up in 1991: Number of Medicaid Recipients Also Rises (February 1993)
March 1993 Current Population Survey Re-Benchmarked on 1990 Census (March 1995)
Number of Medicaid Recipients Up: CPS Shows the Number of Uninsured Also Rises (April 1992)
Population Estimates of Disability and Long-Term Care (February 1995)
Research and Other Developments of Interest in Employer Group Long-Term Care Insurance ( )
The Elderly with Disabilities: At Risk for High Health Care Costs (February 1994)
The Medicaid Personal Care Services Option Part I: Cross-State Variations and Trends Over Time (November 1993)
The Medicaid Personal Care Services Option Part II: Consumer-Directed Models of Care (December 1994)
Trends in AFDC and Food Stamp Benfits: 1972-1994 (May 1995)
Understanding Estimates of Uninsured Children: Putting the Differences in Context (January 1999)