Search Results for "poverty guidelines"
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Count Estimates of Zero- and Low-Premium Plan Availability, States Pre and Post ARP
Publication Date
These supplemental data tables are for the ASPE Issue Brief series, Access to Marketplace Plans with Low Premiums on the Federal Platform, that examines the availability of zero-premium and low-premium (defined as less than or equal to $50 per month) plans after application of advanced premium tax credits in states served by the federal Marketplace platform,, before and after the
How States can Implement the Standardized Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI) Conversion Methodology from State Medicaid and CHIP Data
Publication Date
This document explains various considerations for states deciding between SIPP and state administrative data, how to use the eligibility templates provided by CMS for the MAGI-based eligibility conversion process, and the steps that states wishing to perform the conversions using state Medicaid and CHIP data will need to follow.
The Number and Cost of Immigrants on Medicaid: National and State Estimates
Publication Date
by Leighton Ku and Bethany Kessler of The Urban Institute.
2015 Plan Selections by County in the Health Insurance Marketplace
Publication Date
July 2015 (Updated)
July 9, 1997 Public Forum: Unique Health Identifiers
Publication Date
DR. MOORE: It is 1:30. We need to get moving. We have four more teams for presentations. This afternoon we will be doing the identifier team, followed by I believe the enrollment and transactions, personal enrolling, eligibility, et cetera. Then follow that by the coding, medical coding, and then followed up at the end will be the security team.