Search Results for "poverty guidelines"
Displaying 1 - 6 of 6 results. 20 results shown per page. Page 1 of 1.
Federal Agencies Helping Communities Coordinate Services to Improve Client Outcomes
Publication Date
Federal agencies, including HHS, try in many ways to help communities, including states and localities, increase economic mobility and well-being. For example, federal agencies may leverage their convening power, ability to broker relationships, funding and evaluation tools, on-the-ground staff, and other levers to support community priorities.
Assessment of Major Federal Data Sets for Analyses of Hispanic and Asian or Pacific Islander Subgroups and Native Americans: Inventory of Selected Existing Federal Databases
Publication Date
By: Joseph Waksberg Daniel Levine David Marker Submitted to:U.S. Department of Health and Human ServicesOffice of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation
Characteristics of American Indians and Alaska Natives Participating in Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Programs
Publication Date
ASPE RESEARCH BRIEF(*) Characteristics of American Indians and Alaska Natives Participating in Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Programs[1] April 2009
Tribal Self-governance Demonstration Feasibility Study
Publication Date
Cover letter to the Honorable Ben Nighthorse CampbellThe Honorable Ben Nighthorse Campbell
Chairman, Senate Indian Affairs COmmittee
United States Senate
Washington, D.C. 20510
Dear Chairman Campbell:
Feasibility Study for the Evaluation of DHHS Programs Operated under Tribal Self-Governance
Publication Date
Draft Final Report Delivery Order 27 Under Contract No. HHS-100-97-0017 Authors: Kathy Langwell Cynthia Helba Jo Ann Kauffman
Feasibility Study for the Evaluation of DHHS Programs That Are or May Be Operated Under Tribal Self-Governance
Publication Date
Delivery Order 27 Under Contract No. HHS-100-97-0017 Authors: Kathryn Langwell Cynthia Helba Jo Ann Kauffman Revised: March 3, 2004 Prepared for: