This environmental scan is part of a larger project whose purpose is to help the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation and HUD describe the housing programs available for individuals with OUD who experience housing instability or homelessness. The specific purpose of this environmental scan is to review the published and unpublished literature, including white papers and issue briefs, to identify what is known about housing models that can best serve people with OUD who also experience homelessness or housing instability.
This report was prepared under contract #HHSP233201600010I between HHS's ASPE/DALTCP and Abt Associates. For additional information about this subject, you can visit the DALTCP home page at or contact the ASPE Project Officer, Emily Rosenoff, at HHS/ASPE/DALTCP, Room 424E, H.H. Humphrey Building, 200 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20201;
DISCLAIMER: The opinions and views expressed in this report are those of the authors. They do not reflect the views of the Department of Health and Human Services, the contractor or any other funding organization. This report was completed and submitted on January 19, 2018.