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National Evaluation of Welfare-to-Work Strategies: 2-Year Child Outcomes Study (COS) Files: Create Baseline Covariates and Subgroups

 CREATION OF 10-ITEM FAMILY RISK VARIABLE USED TO IMPUTE BASELINE COVARIATES AND BASELINE SUBGROUPS   array riskindx(10) CTHSGRKB CTNCHRKB CTLITRKB CTNUMRKB CTWRKRKB CTWLFRKB CTDEPRKB CTLOCRKB CTBARRKB CTSUPRKB;  riskmiss=0; do a=1 to 10; if riskindx{a} eq . then riskmiss=riskmiss+1; end;  if riskmiss le 2 then do;   CTRSKSMB=sum(CTHSGRKB, CTNCHRKB, CTLITRKB, CTNUMRKB, CTWRKRKB, CTWLFRKB,               CTDEPRKB, CTLOCRKB, CTBARRKB, CTSUPRKB); end; IF RISKMISS=1 THEN CTRSKSMB=CTRSKSMB*(10/9); IF RISKMISS=2 THEN CTRSKSMB=CTRSKSMB*(10/8);  label CTRSKSMB='B: Number of 10 Baseline Risks';  if CTRSKSMB GE 6 then CTRSKTRB=2; if (CTRSKSMB GE 4 AND CTRSKSMB LT 6) then CTRSKTRB=1; if CTRSKSMB LT 4 then CTRSKTRB=0; if CTRSKSMB eq . then CTRSKTRB=.; label CTRSKTRB='B: Number of Risks 0=0-3/1=4-5/2=6-10';     CREATION OF COMPOSITED BASELINE COVARIATES   ***CHILD AGE AT RAD***; chagerad=int((radat-cbrthday)/30); label chagerad='B: Focal Child Age at RAD (mos)';   ***NUMBER OF CHILDREN IN HOUSEHOLD***; array numchi(6) agech1 agech2 agech3 agech4 agech5 agech6;  CTNCHSMB=0; do a=1 to 6; if numchi{a} gt 0 and numchi{a} le 18     then CTNCHSMB=CTNCHSMB+1; end; label CTNCHSMB ='B: Number of children age 1-18';  ctnchtrb=.; if CTNCHSMB eq 1 then CTNCHTRB=1; if CTNCHSMB eq 2 then CTNCHTRB=2; if CTNCHSMB ge 3 then CTNCHTRB=3; if CTNCHSMB = . then CTNCHTRB = .; label CTNCHTRB='B: Number of children, 1 2 3+';   ***LITERACY***; ctlitrkb=.; if TREADGRP in (1,2) then CTLITRKB=1; if TREADGRP in (3,4,5) then CTLITRKB=0; if TREADGRP = . then CTLITRKB = .; label CTLITRKB='B:literacy:lower (1), higher (0)';   ***NUMERACY***; ctnumrkb=.; if CMATHGRP in (1,2) then CTNUMRKB=1; if CMATHGRP in (3,4,5,6) then CTNUMRKB=0; if CMATHGRP = . then CTNUMRKB = .; label CTNUMRKB='B: Numeracy lower (1), higher (0)';   ***BASELINE DURATION EVER ON WELFARE***; ctwlftrb=.; if owncase in (1,2,3,4) then CTWLFTRB=1; if owncase eq 5 then CTWLFTRB=2; if owncase in (6,7) then CTWLFTRB=3; if owncase = . then CTWLFTRB = .; label CTWLFTRB='B: Time on welfare 2, 2-5, 5+';   ***BASELINE WORKED FT FOR 6+ MOS FOR SAME EMPLOYER***; ctwrkrkb=.; if workft = 1 then CTWRKRKB = 0; if workft = 2 then CTWRKRKB = 1; label CTWRKRKB ='B: No FT for 6+ mos same employer';    ***BASELINE DEPRESSIVE SYMPTOMS***; if nmiss(pq50, pq51, pq52, pq53) le 1 then do;  ctdepmnb=mean(pq50, pq51, pq52, pq53);   if CTDEPMNB le 2 then CTDEPTRB=0;  if CTDEPMNB gt 2 and CTDEPMNB lt 3 then CTDEPTRB=1;  if CTDEPMNB ge 3 and CTDEPMNB le 4 then CTDEPTRB=2;   if CTDEPTRB lt 2 then CTDEPRKB=0;  if CTDEPTRB = 2 then CTDEPRKB=1; end;  label CTDEPRKB='B: Depression Risk, 0=low/med 1=high'; label CTDEPTRB='B: Depressive Symptoms, 2=hi 1=med 0=low'; label CTDEPMNB='B: Mean Depressive Symptoms';   ***BASELINE LOCUS OF CONTROL***; if nmiss(pq27, pq29, pq34, pq42) le 1 then do;   CTLOCMNB=mean(pq27, pq29, pq34, pq42);   if CTLOCMNB le 2 then CTLOCTRB=0;  if CTLOCMNB gt 2 and CTLOCMNB lt 3 then CTLOCTRB=1;  if CTLOCMNB ge 3 and CTLOCMNB le 4 then CTLOCTRB=2;  if CTLOCMNB eq . then CTLOCTRB=.;   if CTLOCTRB in (1,2) then CTLOCRKB=0;  if CTLOCTRB = 0 then CTLOCRKB=1;  if CTLOCTRB = .  then CTLOCRKB=.; end;  label CTLOCRKB='B: Loc Control Risk, 0=int,neutr/1=ext'; label CTLOCTRB='B: Locus of Control, 0=ext/1=neut/2=int'; label CTLOCMNB='B: Mean Locus of Control';   ***BASELINE SOURCES OF SOCIAL SUPPORT***; if pq36 in (1,2) then havecash=1; if pq36 in (3,4) then havecash=0; if pq36 eq . then havecash=.; label havecash='B: Can Find Cash Help 1=Yes 0=No';  if pq39 in (1,2) then havetalk=1; if pq39 in (3,4) then havetalk=0; if pq39 eq . then havetalk=.; label havetalk='B: Have Someone Talk Troubles With 1=Yes';  if pq28 in (1,2) then havecare=1; if pq28 in (3,4) then havecare=0; if pq28 eq . then havecare=.; label havecare='B: Can Find Someone Watch Children 1=Yes';  if nmiss(havecash, havecare, havetalk) = 0 then do;  ctsupsmb=sum(havecash, havecare, havetalk); end; if ctsupsmb ge 1 then ctsuprkb=0; if ctsupsmb = 0 then ctsuprkb=1; label CTSUPSMB='B: Sum of 3 sources of support'; label CTSUPRKB='B: No source of support, 3 types';   ***BASELINE FAMILY BARRIERS TO WORK***; if pq45 in (1,2) then pq45barr = 1; if pq45 in (3,4) then pq45barr = 0; if pq45 = . then pq45barr = .;  if pq46 in (1,2) then pq46barr = 1; if pq46 in (3,4) then pq46barr = 0; if pq46 = . then pq46barr = .;  if pq22 in (1,2) then pq22barr = 1; if pq22 in (3,4) then pq22barr = 0; if pq22 = . then pq22barr = .;  if pq30 in (1,2) then pq30barr = 1; if pq30 in (3,4) then pq30barr = 0; if pq30 = . then pq30barr = .;  if pq49 in (1,2) then pq49barr = 1; if pq49 in (3,4) then pq49barr = 0; if pq49 = . then pq49barr = .;  if pq44 in (1,2) then pq44barr=1; if pq44 in (3,4) then pq44barr=0; if pq44 = . then pq44barr = .;  if pq48 in (1,2) then pq48barr=1; if pq48 in (3,4) then pq48barr=0; if pq48 = . then pq48barr = .;  BARRMIS7=NMISS(PQ45barr, PQ46barr, PQ22barr, PQ30barr, PQ49barr, PQ44barr, PQ48barr); ctbarsmb = .; if barrmis7 le 1 then do;   CTBARSMB=sum(PQ45barr, PQ46barr, PQ22barr, PQ30barr, PQ49barr,    pq44barr, pq48barr)*7/(7-barrmis7); end;  ctBARtrb = .; if BARRmis7 le 1 then do;   if ctBARsmb = 0 then ctBARtrb=0;   if (ctBARsmb ge 1 and ctbarsmb lt 4) then ctBARtrb=1;   if ctBARsmb ge 4 then ctBARtrb=2; end; label CTBARtrB= 'B: Family Barriers Risk, 0=0/ 1=1-3, 2=4-7'; label CTBARSMB= 'B: Number of Family Barriers, 0-7';     CREATION OF COMPOSITED BASELINE SUBGROUPS  ***COMPOSITE SIBLING CONSTELLATION RISK***; ***Number of Children Risk ***;  ctnchrkb=.; if CTNCHTRB in (1, 2) then CTNCHRKB=0; if CTNCHTRB = 3 then CTNCHRKB=1; if CTNCHTRB = . then CTNCHRKB = .; label CTNCHRKB='B: # of children 1or2=0, 3ormore=1'; format ctnchtrb ctnchtrb. Ctnchrkb ctnchrkb.;  ***Birth Spacing Risk*** agefocal=.; agefocal = floor(chagerad/12); oldersib=99;  yngersib=-99; label   agefocal='Ch Age Rad in Truncated Years'         oldersib='Age of Older Sib-AGEFOCAL'         yngersib='Age of Younger Sib-AGEFOCAL';  array ages{8} agech1 agech2 agech3 agech4 agech5 agech6 agech7 agech8; array agedf{8} agedf1 agedf2 agedf3 agedf4 agedf5 agedf6 agedf7 agedf8; array agezr{8} agezr1 agezr2 agezr3 agezr4 agezr5 agezr6 agezr7 agezr8;  do i=1 to 8; agedf(i)=ages(i)-agefocal; if (agedf(i) gt 0 and agedf(i) lt oldersib) then oldersib=agedf(i); if (agedf(i) lt 0 and agedf(i) gt yngersib) then yngersib=agedf(i); agezr(i)=1; if agedf(i)=0 then agezr(i)=.; end;  numzero=nmiss(agezr1,agezr2,agezr3,agezr4,agezr5,agezr6,agezr7,agezr8);  if yngersib=-99 then yngersib=.; if oldersib=99 then oldersib=.; agediff=yngersib; if (agediff=.) then agediff=oldersib; if (oldersib gt 0 and oldersib lt abs(agediff)) then agediff=oldersib;  if numzero ge 2 then agediff=0; sib0not0=0; label sib0not0='B:Ch singleton, looks like sibs'; if ctnchtrb=1 then do;  if agediff ne . then sib0not0=1;  oldersib=.; yngersib=.; agediff=.; end;  ctspcrkb=0; if agediff in (-1,0,1) then ctspcrkb=1;  ctsibrkb=0; if (ctspcrkb=1 or ctnchrkb=1) then ctsibrkb=1;  if numzero=8 then do; ctspcrkb=.; Ctsibrkb=.; End;  label         agedf1='AgeCh1-AGEFOCAL'         agedf2='AgeCh2-AGEFOCAL'         agedf3='AgeCh3-AGEFOCAL'         agedf4='AgeCh4-AGEFOCAL'         agedf5='AgeCh5-AGEFOCAL'         agedf6='AgeCh6-AGEFOCAL'         agedf7='AgeCh7-AGEFOCAL'         agedf8='AgeCh8-AGEFOCAL'         agediff='Diff AGEFOCAL and closest sib'         numzero='# HH kids same age as Focal'         ctspcrkb='B:Birth Spacing Risk (24mos)'         ctsibrkb='B:Sibling Constellation Risk Composite';   ***COMPOSITE EDUCATIONAL RISK***; ***Lack of High School Diploma/GED Risk*** cthsgrkb=.; if HSDIP = 1 then CTHSGRKB = 0; if HSDIP = 0 then CTHSGRKB = 1; if HSDIP = . then CTHSGRKB = .; label CTHSGRKB = 'B: No high school DIPLOMA or GED';  ctcedsmb=.; CTCEDSMB=SUM(CTHSGRKB, CTLITRKB, CTNUMRKB); IF (CTHSGRKB=. OR CTLITRKB=. OR CTNUMRKB=.) THEN CTCEDSMB=.; LABEL ctcedsmb='B:Composite Summary Educational Score';  ctcedrkb=ctcedsmb; if ctcedsmb ge 1 then ctcedrkb=1; label ctcedrkb='B:Composite Educational Risk';   ***COMPOSITE WORK RISK***; ***Long Term Welfare Risk***; ctwlfrkb=.; if CTWLFTRB in (1,2) then CTWLFRKB = 0; if CTWLFTRB = 3 then CTWLFRKB = 1; if CTWLFTRB = . then CTWLFRKB = .; label CTWLFRKB='B: Receiving Welfare 5+ years';  ***Number of Barriers Risk***; ctBARrkb = .; if (BARRmis7 le 1 and ctBARsmb ne .) then do;   if (ctBARsmb lt 4) then ctBARrkb=0;   if (ctBARsmb ne . And ctBARsmb ge 4) then ctBARrkb=1; end; IF BARRMIS7 GT 1 THEN CTBARRKB = .;  ctcwksmb=.; CTCWKSMB=SUM(CTWLFRKB, CTWRKRKB, CTBARRKB); IF (CTWLFRKB=. OR CTWRKRKB=. OR CTBARRKB=.) THEN CTCWKSMB=.; LABEL ctcWKsmb='B:Composite Summary Work Score';  ctcwkrkb=ctcwksmb; if ctcwksmb ge 1 then ctcwkrkb=1; label ctcwkrkb='B:Composite Work Risk';   ***COMPOSITE PSYCHOLOGICAL PROBLEMS RISK***; array depr(3) pq50 pq51 pq52; array deprr(3) pq50r pq51r pq52r; do I=1 to 3; if depr(i) in (3,4) then deprr(i)=1; if depr(i) in (1,2) then deprr(i)=0; end; if pq51r=1 then pq51r=2;  array locr(3) pq27 pq34 pq42; array locrr(3) pq27r pq34r pq42r; do I=1 to 3; if locr(i) in (1,2) then locrr(i)=1; if locr(i) in (3,4) then locrr(i)=0; end;  PSYCMISS=NMISS(pq50, pq51, pq52, pq27, pq34, pq42);  if psycmiss le 1 then do;   CTpsysmB= sum(pq50r, pq51r, pq52r, pq27r, pq34r, pq42r); end; if psycmiss=1 and pq51r ne . then ctpsysmb=ctpsysmb*7/6; if psycmiss=1 and pq51r=. then ctpsysmb=ctpsysmb*7/5;  IF PSYCMISS GT 1 THEN CTPSYSMB =.; label CTpsysmB='B: Summary Psychological Probs';  CtPSYRKB = .; if (psycmiss le 1 and ctpsysmb ne .) then do;   if (ctpsysmb lt 2) then ctpsyrkb=0;   if (ctpsysmb ge 2) then ctpsyrkb=1; end; IF PSYCMISS GT 1 THEN CTPSYRKB = .; label ctpsyrkb='B: Psychological Risk';   ***COMPOSITE NUMBER OF FOUR KEY RISKS***; RISKMIS4 = NMISS(CTSIBRKB, CTcedRKB, CTcwkRKB, CTPSYRKB); ct4rksmb = .; if riskmis4 le 1 then do;   CT4rksmb=sum(CTSIBRKB, CTcedRKB, CTcwkRKB, CTPSYRKB)*4/(4-riskmis4); end; if riskmis4 gt 1 then ct4rksmb = .; label CT4rksmb='B: Number of 4 Baseline Risks';  ct4RKrkb = .; if (RISKMIS4 le 1 and ct4RKsmb ne .) then do;   if (ct4RKsmb lt 2) then ct4RKrkb=0;   if (ct4RKsmb ge 2) then ct4RKrkb=1; end; IF RISKMIS4 GT 1 THEN CT4RKRKB = .; label CT4rkrkb ='B: If Two or more Composite Risks';   ***COMPOSITE CHILD AGE RISK***; ctagerkb=.; if chagerad le 51 then ctagerkb = 1; if chagerad gt 51 then ctagerkb = 0; label CTAGERKB= 'B:Younger than median child age';   ***COMPOSITE RESERVATIONS TOWARD WORK RISK***; prefhome=.; if pq25 in (1,2) then PREFHOME =1; if pq25 in (3,4) then PREFHOME =0; label PREFHOME='B: Prefer FT home to work (PQ25)';  fearcare=.; if pq47 in (1,2) then FEARCARE =1; if pq47 in (3,4) then FEARCARE =0; label FEARCARE='B: Afraid to leave child in care (PQ47)';  misskids=.; if pq40 in (1,2) then MISSKIDS =1; if pq40 in (3,4) then MISSKIDS =0; LABEL MISSKIDS='B: Would miss kids if worked (PQ40)';  ctattsmb=.; ctattsmb=sum(prefhome, fearcare, misskids); if (prefhome=. Or fearcare=. Or misskids=.) Then ctattsmb=.; Label ctattsmb='B:Work Reservation Attitudes Summary';  ctattrkb=ctattsmb; if ctattsmb ge 1 then ctattrkb=1; Label ctattrkb='B:Work Reservation Attitudes Risk';   ***COMPOSITE POOR SCHOOL ATTITUDES RISK***; prefmth1=pq1; if pq1 = 2 then prefmth1= 0; prefmth2=pq2; if pq2 = 2 then prefmth2= 0; prefmth3=pq3; if pq3 = 2 then prefmth3= 1; if pq3 = 1 then prefmth3= 0; toldschl=pq6; if pq6 = 2 then toldschl = 0; belnschl=pq10; if pq10 = 2 then belnschl = 1; if pq10 in (3,4) then belnschl = 0; likeschl=pq26; if pq26 = 2 then likeschl = 1; if pq26 in (3,4) then likeschl = 0; wantschl=pq35; if pq35 = 2 then wantschl = 1; if pq35 in (3,4) then wantschl = 0;  ctschsmb = .; schlmiss=nmiss(prefmth1,prefmth2,prefmth3,toldschl,belnschl,likeschl,wa ntschl); if schlmiss =0 then ctschsmb =    sum(prefmth1,prefmth2,prefmth3,toldschl,belnschl,likeschl,wantschl); if schlmiss =1 then ctschsmb =  sum(prefmth1,prefmth2,prefmth3,toldschl,belnschl,likeschl,wantschl)*7/6 ; IF SCHLMISS GT 1 THEN CTSCHSMB = .;  ctschrkb = .; IF (SCHLMISS LE 1 and CTSCHSMB NE .) THEN DO;   if (ctschsmb gt 4) then ctschrkb = 0;   if (ctschsmb le 4) then ctschrkb = 1; END; IF SCHLMISS GT 1 THEN CTSCHRKB = .; label ctschsmb='B: Summary of positive school attitudes'; label ctschrkb='B: Risk for poor school attitudes';