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Evaluation and analysis provide essential evidence for HHS to understand how its programs work, for whom, and under what circumstances. HHS builds evidence through evaluation and analysis in order to inform decisions in budget, legislative, regulatory, strategic planning, program, and policy arenas. Given the breadth of work supported by HHS, many evaluations and analyses are conducted each year. These efforts range in scope, scale, design, and methodology, but all aim to understand how the effect of programs and policies and how they can be improved. 

Across HHS, evaluation comes in many forms, including: 

  • Program evaluations using the most rigorous designs appropriate; 
  • Capacity-building initiatives to improve administrative data collection, accessibility, and use for management; 
  • Exploratory and preliminary quantitative and qualitative analysis to build evidence; 
  • Pilots and demonstrations; and 
  • Statistical analysis of factors related to health and human services programs and policies. 

ASPE coordinates the evaluation community by regularly convening the HHS Evaluation & Evidence Policy Council, which builds capacity by sharing best practices and promising new approaches across HHS. 


Displaying 241 - 250 of 384. 10 per page. Page 25.

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Consumer Control of Electronic Personal Health Information: What Does It Mean? Why Is It Important?

A Report on Three Consumer Focus Group Meetings Convened in October, 2005 by the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation By: Susan Kanaan Suzie Burke-Bebee Helga E. Rippen U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Continuation of Research on Consumer Directed Health Plans: HSA Simulation Model Refinement

Final Technical Report for DHHS Contract HHSP23320054301ER Please do not circulate without permission of the authors or the Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services. January 21, 2007

Simulation Modeling on Life Care Annuity: Final Report

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Modeling the Decision to Purchase Private Long-Term Care Insurance

To assess how different tax break proposals for private long-term care insurance might affect private coverage, better information is needed on the decision to purchase long-term care insurance and the sensitivity of the purchase decision to price changes. This report describes the results of efforts to model private long-term care insurance coverage and simulate policy reforms.

Cost Effectiveness Considerations in the Approval and Adoption of New Health Technologies

Contents Background and Purpose Methodology Summary of Key Findings and Stakeholder Suggestions Conclusions and Policy Implications A.

Continuation of Research on Consumer Directed Health Plans: HSA Simulation Model Refinement

In previous work for ASPE, the University of Minnesota developed a model to simulate the effects of the Medicare Modernization Act of 2003 on the take-up of high-deductible health insurance plans.

Modeling the Decision to Purchase Private Long-Term Care Insurance - Executive Summary

RIchard W. Johnson, Simone G. Schaner, Desmond Toohey, and Cori E. Uccello The Urban Institute   This report was prepared under contract between the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Office of Disability, Aging and Long-Term Care Policy (DALTCP) and the Urban Institute.

Performance Improvement 2007

IntroductionWhat This Report Is About